Windows 10, BBC Iplayer thinks I am outside the UK: After buying a new Windows 10 laptop, I can not access BBC Iplayer as it thinks I am outside the UK. - My IP adress is in the UK and other devices on our broadband does not have this problem - I ha...
Sadly, BBC iPlayer is not available outside the UK. That doesn’t mean you cannot access it if you don’t live in the UK; this is precisely what I will show in this tutorial. As soon as you finish the instructions as provided, you will have access to: ...
How Can I Watch the BBC iPlayer in the USA? If you’re abroad, or if you’re in the U.K., but the BBC thinks your IP address is registered elsewhere, how can you access the BBC iPlayer? The simple solution is to use a method to hide your real IP address and disguise it as on...
,"pageTitle":"Keep calm: Why we should all try to be less angry","description":"Is anger really a useful and healthy emotion? Historian Thomas Dixon thinks it would be better if we kept it under control...","metaDescription":"Is anger really a useful and healthy emotion? Historian ...
Iplayer can only be used if your computer thinks it is in the UK. Fixed that for ya! Great to see that the mighty beeb are taking the rest of us into account. Willis macrumors 68020 Apr 23, 2006 2,293 54 Beds, UK Dec 21, 2008 #84 the quality is a bit... less to be ...