Using Vakilsearch trademark search application, you can check the availability of your brand name, logo, or slogan. Updated IPIndia records are available.
Such as we do offer; Anti-Counterfeiting Investigations, Grey Market Investigations, Trademark Infringement investigations, market surveys, IPR enforcement services etc. Our team of Brand protection in India understands your requirements and provides tailored services for best and effective results. Failure...
Trademark Registration Get your Trademark registered in India and any country worldwide in the most simple and hassle free manner. Single payment for multiple countries Patent Search & Analytics Know about the patentability of your invention well before you apply for a patent! Contact us today for...
He has also been nominated to the Board of Directors of the New York‐based International Trademark Association (I nta ), which position he is currently serving. He was counsel in many of the cases cited in this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.The Journal of World Intellectual Property...