今年苹果、Google皆针对新一代操作系统推出“黑暗/深色模式”(Dark Mode),一方面是得以保护用户的眼睛,另外好处则是可以增加手机续航力,不过具体到底差多少呢?YouTube频道使用iPhone XS Max进行实测,实际差距超惊人! YouTube频道《PhoneBuff》透过iPhone XS Max进行实测,升级至最新的iOS 13版本,并以同样200尼特的屏幕亮...
The information below is about the YouTube Studio mobile app. Learn more about Dark theme on your computer or mobile device using the mobile site or YouTube app. You can control your
近日有油管UP主专门针对iOS 13新增的深色模式对手机续航的影响做了测试,结果发现iOS 13深色模式对设备续航有积极作用。 在此次测试中测试人员使用iPhone XS作为测试设备,在设备分别处于浅色模式和深色模式下通过机械臂完成各种操作。包括使用“消息”应用、使用Google地图导航,观看YouTube视频等。 最终测试结果表明,处于深色...
That potential battery saving has now been put to the test. In an experiment shared on YouTube,PhoneBuffused robotic arms to interact with two fully charged iPhones running iOS 13, with one running in Dark Mode and the other in Light mode. The robots worked their way through various...
在视频APP中,就如同Youtube可以直接调成黑夜模式,通常我们的手机系统应用界面为纯白亮色,在夜晚的时候摸到手机播放视频应用,经常会被明亮的界面晃瞎眼。而且这种模式对于减少手机耗电有着很大效果。 看得出来这次百度输入法已经率先跟进了iOS13的适配,相比其他输入法已经非常有诚意。目前诸如搜狗输入法等没有推出适配功能...
So, how can you turn off Dark Mode in Maps? Well, you can’t. I have no idea why Apple hasn’t included a way to toggle Dark and Light Modes on an app by app basis, but they haven’t. Perhaps it is the way system resources are allocated because I can’t imagine that somebody...
Apple hasn't refreshed the Apple TV since 2022, but rumors suggest that we're finally going to get an update in 2025. We don't have a full picture of what to expect yet, but we have some hints on what's coming. Subscribe to the MacRumors YouTube channel for more videos. Updated ...
Looking for the best YouTube app alternatives for your iPhone or Android phone? We've compiled a list of the top 5, based on features, performance, and user reviews.
Converting YouTube to MP3 on Your iPhone Made Easy! Top-4 Apps for Mac & Windows By FonePaw | Nov 26 , 2021 Most of us listen to our favorite songs and watch videos on YouTube as it is the largest and most popular video-sharing platform. With billions of videos on almost any topic...
YouTube Clone: YouTube clone using MVC 2017 swift ☆172 youtube-iOS: YouTube app template Screenshot 1 2020 swift swift3 ☆2510 Communication back to top afone: Reference implementation for SIP Telephony that can be used on different SIP stacks with no effort App Store Screenshot...