目前还不知道iPhone X的Devive Model,可以拿分辨率来判断。 #define iPhoneX ([UIScreen instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(currentMode)] ? CGSizeEqualToSize(CGSizeMake(1125, 2436), [[UIScreen mainScreen] currentMode].size) : NO) SDK兼容 使用新API时,要从编译时与运行时同事判断。才是彻底的SDK...
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Minor Screen Burn-In and Color Shifts According to Apple, with extended long-term use, OLED displays can show "slight visual changes," aka "image-persistence" or "burn-in," which is considered normal. The iPhone X has been engineered to be the "best in industry" at reducing burn-in eff...
LCD Kit, Tempered Glass Screen Protector, Bracket Glue Features: |Iphone X Display Sizes|Replace Iphone Xs Max Screen|Iphone 13 Pro Max Pantalla| **Unmatched Quality and Compatibility** The OLED Display for iPhone is a premium product designed to enhance the visual experience of your iPhone. Cr...
The iPhone X has a record high Full Screen Brightness for OLED Smartphones of 634 nits, which improves screen visibility in high Ambient Light. The Samsung Galaxy Note8 can produce up to 1,240 nits, but only for small portions of the screen area (Low Average Picture Levels) – for Full...
Avery Hartmans
Screen > 3" LCD Kit Yes Touch Screen Type Capacitive ScreenView more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: Material: TFT Quality Control: Grade AAA tested one by one Touch Screen Type: Capacitive Screen Compatibility: For iPhone X, XS, XR, and MAX models Quality: Great A++++ & No Dead Pixe...
iPhone X: We can reduce but not eliminate burn-in on OLED screen, says Apple Burn-in is a fact of life for OLED displays, including the iPhone X's Super Retina display. Editorial standards