iPhone is now giving the error code of 4013 My phone during a reboot would not come back up. It is now giving the error code of 4013. Our local Apple desk at Best Buy is closed (for our safety). Suggestions? [Re-Titled by Moderator] 4 years ago 312 1 My iphone 6 plus was e...
I have tried to do a restore but keep getting error code 4013. This error code continues to come up even after trying all of the different work around suggestions - updated iTunes, tried a different computer (PC & Mac) and have tried a different cable. Nothing is working. What can I ...
It can one-click to fix support.apple.com/iphone/restore iPhone x/iPhone 6/iPhone 7/iPhone xr/iPhone 11/iPhone 12/iPhone 13 without any data loss. The tool also can fix under all situations, even stuck in support.apple.com/iphone/restore water damage and error code 4013. Let's discuss...
You can also get this error message if your device disconnects from iTunes while restoring or updating. Sometimes you won’t get the error code 9 but instead codes 4014, 4013, or 4005. The same issue causes all these messages. You will receive a message that the device can’t be restor...
The iPhone [device name] could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (4005). The iPhone [device name] could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (4013). The iPhone [device name] could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (4014). ...
Fix "iPhone Could Not Be Restored 4013" Error: 6 Easy Solutions How to Factory Reset iPhone Using iTunes [Updated Guides!] How To Download MP3 Onto iPhone: Best Methods AirDrop uses Bluetooth and WiFi, creating direct connections to transfer without using data or the cloud. ...
If you see an error in Finder or iTunes on your computer - now goes to If you see an error when you update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Find an iTunes or Finder error code (Error code numbers and troubleshooting) If you see error -54 when you sync with your computer...
[03:20:57.0571] Depth:0 Code:4013 Error:Unexpected device state 'Recovery' expected 'RestoreOS'这是DFU恢复日志,看不懂啊,有木有大神? 玻阶2iy2 Shuffle 1 楼主可以百度搜索下神机堂论坛,大神解答电脑手机等问题,不上煭士墻!还有最新报架和购机技巧!附各类实用技术教程 user_7e2c4 iPhone 6 楼主,...
丶某先森丶 苹果待机状态下输入*#06#拨号后,出现执行时出现未知错误是什么原因 分享51 iphone8plus吧 X先生特靠谱 用iTunes更新11.0.2 发生未知错误9 用爱思助手更新到20%显示错误 手机一直停留在恢复模式界面 有哪位大神知 分享283 iphone5吧 下一站a祝福 关于升级出现未知错误4013,4005,千万别被黑心手机商家...
iPhone Kernel Panic Full Log, as this is its full name (and mandatory for iPad or Mac), is a record of the kernel state and a crash log in the system of your device. However, this is not a complete repository of the problem. These are constantly being created by code engineers in ...