iPhone或iPadthat provides Personal Hotspot and the other device that needs to connect to Personal Hotspot. 确保你使用的是最新版本的 iOS 或 iPadOS。 在提供“个人热点”的 iPhone 或 iPad 上,前往“设置”>“通用”>“传输或还原 [设备]”>“还原”,然后轻点“还原网络设置”。这项操作还会还原无线局域...
当你无法访问 Wi-Fi 网络时,可通过个人热点来共享你 iPhone 或 iPad(无线局域网 + 蜂窝网络)的蜂窝移动数据连接。 设置个人热点 前往“设置”>“个人热点”,或前往“设置”>“蜂窝网络”>“个人热点”。 打开“允许其他人加入”。 如果你没有看到“个人热点”选项,请联系你的运营商,以确保你可以将个人热点与...
WiFi Hotspot keeps disconnecting - iPhone 12 pro max (ios14.3) I have iPhone 12 pro max with the latest update, but my hotspot is still disconnected/getting not discoverable again and again after a while itself. This is a very annoying issue. Apple must fix this issue on high priority ...
Have you tried connecting different device on your Wifi hotspot and check if the issue persists? I have tried all the same steps mentioned above with my ipad as well...both, however, have the same ios. The ipad pro did not work either and had same result. Have you tried to connect ...
5. Click onMobile Settingsif the hotspot option is visible. Note: Your technical functionalities can conflict with your iPhone if other services like Bluetooth or wifi are on, make sure to turn them off to get the best results. Also, always keep the allow others to join option on for easy...
HotSpot 2.0 设置 “旧热点”设置 Cisco Fastlane 设置 “网络代理配置”设置 “网络使用规则”有效负载设置 “通知”有效负载设置 “家长控制”有效负载设置 “密码”有效负载设置 “打印”有效负载设置 “隐私偏好设置策略控制”有效负载设置 “中继”有效负载设置 ...
✅ WiFi Hotspot set up but my iPhone won't connect to it:Hi,I've followed the very easy instructions on how to setup a WiFi hotspot from my Surface Pro running Windows 10 but my iPhone 13 running iOS version...
I've done that several times. It's not a hotspot that is being deleted, it's the home WiFi. It shows as a normal WiFi signal on my computer until it connects. If my phone is near my computer, when it connects to the WiFi, it will instead say it's connected to my iPhone's hot...
5. Hotspot Not Showing Up If the iPhone hotspot doesn’t appear as an available network on other devices, ensure that the “Allow Others to Join” setting is enabled. Check that your cellularplan supportshotspot usage. If the problem remains, reset the network settings on your iPhone by goin...
5. Click Apply. That should reset the Mac’s WiFi. You can always click the plus (+) icon to re-add a connection. At this point, you should be able to fix the issue of your iPhone hotspot not working, but if you still haven’t fixed it, we have a one-time perfect solution for...