After iOS 14.5 update, you will be able to unlock your Face ID-equipped iPhone while wearing a face mask, as long you have an Apple Watch. This is a new feature that Apple has created to help users during the pandemic when it is important to wear a mask. Many users have been using ...
Toggling Airplane Mode on and off on your Apple Watch and iPhone resets all connections to the devices, which may help re-establish the connection between your iPhone and the Apple Watch. On your Apple Watch, swipe up on the watch face to access the Control Center. Tap theAirplane Mode but...
而在iOS 14.5开发者测试版上的Apple Watch解锁iPhone功能,具体体现在Apple Watch已经设置密码且已经解锁的情况下,用户佩戴Apple Watch靠近iPhone,当Face ID检测到用户佩戴口罩需解锁iPhone时即可自动解锁。 需要注意的是,该功能目前还处在测试当中,不仅需要升级iOS 14.5 beta版,还需将watchOS升级至7.4 beta版,对一般用户...
Every glimpse of this wallpaper will bring a smile to your face. Download 12. NFL Depth Effect wallpaper for iPhone Football lovers gather around because a power-packed NFL wallpaper is here to energize your iPhone. You can see a football player ready to knock down his competitors, and ...
3. Check the warranty status on an Apple Watch To check your Apple Watch’s warranty information: Open the Watch app on your paired iPhone. Move to My Watch tab and tap on General. Next, select About. Tap Limited Warranty or Coverage Expired to see the warranty information. 4. AirPods,...
Before you pair a new Apple Watch to your iPhone, you need to unpair your old one.Unpairing your Apple Watchcreates a backup so you can easily pair the new watch and have everything set up the way you are used to on your old watch. Here's how to pair Apple Watch to new phone, ...
根据最近外媒频频传闻,此次苹果新一代Apple Watch(Apple Watch 4?)或许可能会有一个巨大的飞跃——包括Face ID乃至未来会用在iPhone X上的更多生物识别技术,如果传闻属实的话,对当前智能手表市场也是一种颠覆呢。媲美iPhone X:Apple Watch 4也要加持Face ID?(图源:Google)根据外媒最新曝光的苹果专利显示,...
Choose Unlock with Apple Watch If your Watch isn’t up to date you will see a warning “Software Update Required”. Now, as long as your Watch is on your wrist and unlocked when you attempt to unlock your iPhone with Face ID, and your iPhone detects that you have a mask on,...
◉ 如果您点击电话号码,Apple Watch 将尝试进行正常的非 FaceTime 通话。 检查iPhone 上的 FaceTime 设置 ◉ 在 iPhone 上打开设置并点击 FaceTime,并确保它已打开。 ◉ 在来电显示下,确保选择正确的电话号码或电子邮件地址。 如果您在 iPhone 上遇到 FaceTime 激活问题或其他问题,同样会影响您的 Apple Watc...
部署Apple Watch 部署Apple Vision Pro 共享iPad 部署 共享iPad 概览 准备共享 iPad 选取MDM 解决方案 规划MDM 迁移 规划MDM 迁移介绍 配置新 MDM 解决方案 在MDM 中重新注册设备 备份和恢复管理式设备 使用基于标准的服务 准备环境 使用“Apple 校园教务管理”、“Apple 商务管理”或“Apple 商务必备”部署设备 ...