启用远程事件接收(使用[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];方法)。 对于UI控件同样要求必须是第一响应者(对于视图控制器UIViewController或者应用程序UIApplication对象监听无此要求)。 应用程序必须是当前音频的控制者,也就是在iOS 7中通知栏中当前音频播放程序必须是我们自己开发程序。 1...
Text("Settings"),Text("Audio Levels"),Text("Mixing Settings")var body: some View {Button {openAudioSettings()} label: {Image(systemName: "gear.circle").accessibilityLabel("Audio Levels and Mixing Settings").accessibilityInputLabels(axVoiceControlCommands)...
You can turn on and off commands Voice Control listens for. That's in Accessibility->Voice Control->Customize Commands. I've turned off most of the visual commands but left the very rich dictation editing commands turned on because I use the dictation feature a lot on my iPhone. I also...
太阳报报导,根据抖音网红分享的操作步骤来看,首先进入设置(Settings),接着按下辅助使用(Accessibility),再选取语音控制(Voice Control)。然后,进到自订指令(Customise Commands)后,选添加指令(Create New Command),接着输入"请解锁我的手机"(Please unlock m...
从网红分享的操作步骤来看,首先进入手机中的“设定”(Settings),后按下“辅助使用”(Accessibility),再点选“语音控制”(Voice Control)。完成后进入“自订指令”(Customise Commands),选取“新增指令”(Create New Command),接着输入“请解锁我的...
You can create custom voice commands using directions found in “How to customize Voice Control commands on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch”. Follow these tips when customizing voice commands for QuickCapture. Use simple and short labels on all buttons. If a button does not h...
Voice Commands. How can I setup a command to place a phone call to someone? It has to be a voice command for an I-phone 13. 2 years ago 167 1 Voice over can you direct me to instructions for voice over? 3 years ago 310 10 Set up my voice control I can not set up my...
This is very annoying, and i don't know what else to do to completely deactivate Voice Control, so that when I wrongfully press the commands, not to be worried that it will call again my boss, or my ex manager, or random people from my contact list. It's kinda annoying and embarrass...
On/Off. If you turn Siri off, you can no longer command your iPhone using the Siri commands described in this chapter. Nor can you dictate to type; the button disappears from the onscreen keyboard. You can still use your voice to call (“dial 212-556-1000”) and to control music pla...
If you use Siri to control smarthome devices around your house, consider giving these devices simple names to make voice commands a bit easier. 如果您使用Siri来控制房屋周围的智能家居设备,请考虑给这些设备起简单的名称,以使语音命令更容易些。