Step05打开Internet Tethering,将之设置成ON,然后选择用usb或者蓝牙连接电脑(图4),这里选择usb连接,建议一边上网一边给iphone充电,不用担心电量问题,USB插入电脑后会自动安装驱动程序,安装完毕就自动出现新的网络连接; Step06现在苹果机可自动连接上网,Windows PC需在控制面板内配置 iPhone 连接,然后iPhone主页面上部出现...
Step05打开Internet Tethering,将之设置成ON,然后选择用usb或者蓝牙连接电脑(图4),这里选择usb连接,建议一边上网一边给iphone充电,不用担心电量问题,USB插入电脑后会自动安装驱动程序,安装完毕就自动出现新的网络连接; Step06现在苹果机可自动连接上网,Windows PC需在控制面板内配置 iPhone 连接,然后iPhone主页面上部出现...
<*> kmod-usb-uhci... Support for UHCI controllers <*> kmod-usb2... Support forUSB2 controllers Utilities---> <*> libimobiledevice-utils... A library that talks to Apple devices.<*> libplist-utils... Apple property list converter<*> libusbmuxd-utils... USB multiplexing daemon utilies<...
1、右键“我的电脑”,选择属性 2、选择“设备管理器” 3、查看“通用串行总线控制器”,看看有没有apple mobile device USB driver 4、查看“网络适配器”,看看有没有apple mobile device ethernet 3-1、若没有apple mobile device USB driver,右键便携设备里的apple iphone,选择“更新驱动程序软件” 3-2、再选...
3、1用USB线将手机和电脑连接2手机开启USB调试注意关闭豌豆荚91手机助手等占ADB的软件3下载ReverseTethering并在电脑上解压把Tracetoolserviceapk这个软件安装到手机上,然后在上电脑安装AndroidToolexe4点击。4、Win11连手机流量,首先点击windows11任务栏右侧的网络按钮,接着在展开的菜单中找到wifi网络图标, ...
6. 打开MyWi软件,弹出MyWi Agreement,点Accept Agreement后弹出MyWi Notice,点OK。在Tethering栏下,打开USB and BlueTooth开关。确认打开后退出MyWi软件。7. 用91手机助手文件管理或WINSCP将iPhone根目录.rockapp.consistencyChecked文件删除,删除Applications下MyWi.app及。完成后重启手机。8. ...
I use usb tethering to connect internet with my pc using iTunes app on my pc. I need to know that if there is any issue for my phone if I use usb tethering? Issues like battery problem or any other. Please let me know iPhone 15, iOS 17 ...
8. 9. Click on Mobile AP to connect wirelessly. Use the USB Tethering option if you're connecting via a USB cable 10. 11. Type the Network SSID i.e., the name of the network. 12. Your Wi-Fi hotspot should now be on and ready to use. ...
Unable to tether iPhone 12 to Windows, Setup Incomplete I'm trying to share my Internet connection from my phone to my computer using USB tethering. And even though ITunes is installed and detects my phone, I cannot finalize the connection as Windows says that my phone has an "Incomplete...
On the iphone i am unable to connect via any option at all even with the phone set to use personal hotspots (tethering). I want to connect preferably by wifi yet if i try to add an ip address i just get a box appear to either Add ip address - hit this area, no response - ...