步驟1.使用USB傳輸線將iOS設備連接PC。 步驟2.解鎖iPhone並信任電腦。 步驟3.轉到「本機」>「[您的 iPhone 名稱]」>「內部儲存」>「DCIM」>「100APPLE」。 步驟4.手動將要傳輸的照片和影片從iPhone複製到 PC。 如果需要,您還可以學習將照片從iPhone傳輸到PC的其他方法。 提示:如何將檔案從PC傳輸到iPhone 您目...
步驟1. 從「開始」菜單、桌面或任務欄打開 PC 上的照片。同時,將您的 iPhone 連接到您的 PC。 步驟2. 點擊右上角的「導入」。 步驟3. 單擊「從 USB 裝置」。 步驟4. 選擇您要導入的照片。 步驟5. 單擊「繼續」。 如何通過 iCloud 無線將照片從 iPhone 傳輸到電腦 iCloud for Windows 是另一個值...
2. Use the USB cable to connect iPhone with your computer. Click on the iPhone icon. If you have select the option "Sync with this iPhone over Wi-Fi" on iTunes, you also can sync your iPhone to this PC via Wi-Fi without connecting with USB cable. But it will take much more ...
You can transfer images from iPhone to PC with three tools - iPhone data transfer software, iCloud, and a USB cable. With iPhone data transfer tool, you can move all pictures to your computer in one click; with iCloud sync, you can access the photo backup files on PC easily; with a ...
Backup files on computer could be an important way to avoid losing data from iPad, iPhone and iPod by accident. If you want to have a effective way to manage your iOS devices, iStonsoft iPad/iPhone/iPod to PC Transfer could be the only tool you need. ...
1. 在电脑上下载并安装 Laptop to iPhone Music Transfer,然后通过 USB 线将 iPhone 与电脑连接。2. 单击主界面左侧窗口中的“音乐” ,选择右侧的子文件夹,然后点击顶部的“+”按钮,将笔记本电脑音乐导入到您的 iPhone。3. 等待传输过程完成。提示:这是如何从笔记本电脑将歌曲添加到 iPhone 中。如果您想知道...
Step 1: Connect your phone to your computer To connect your iPhone to the PC, you will have to connect your iPhone to your computer with a USB cable. Once the connection has been established click on theFile Transferoption and from there click onExport to computer. ...
第1步:将iOS设备连接到PC 首先,在您的计算机上安装并启动dr.fone。现在通过USB电缆将iPhone / iPad连接到计算机,其中将显示选项。dr.fone会立即识别您的设备,之后您可以从主屏幕中选择“传输”选项。 选择界面顶部可用的选项之一(音乐,视频,照片,信息或应用程序)。我们以音乐文件为例。
Step 1: Connect your phone to your computer To connect your iPhone to the PC, you will have to connect your iPhone to your computer with a USB cable. Once the connection has been established click on theFile Transferoption and from there click onExport to computer. ...
Run Dr.Fone on your computer and select "Phone Manager" feature. Connect iPhone to Transfer iPhone Files. Go to Photos tab, select the photos you would like to transfer to computer and click Ecport to PC to transfer files from iPhone to PC. ...