IT之家12月21日消息 自今年 10 月起测试该功能后,微软官方博客今天宣布 OneDrive iOS 版应用现在正式支持 iPhoner 上传 Live Photos(实况照片)。通过 Live Photos,你的 iOS 设备会记录下拍照前后 1.5 秒发生的事情。你得到的不是静态图像,而是用动作和声音捕捉的瞬间。OneDrive 现在可以存储并回放 Live Phot...
上传和播放 Live Photos 仅支持 OneDrive 个人账户。OneDrive 工作或学校账户无法启用。 如果你运行 OneDrive 应用版本 12.11 或更高版本和 iOS 13 或更高系统版本,你将能够享受这项新功能。 注意:Live Photos 的大小大约是静态照片的两倍,它们将比静态照片占用更多的 OneDrive 存储空间。
12月21日消息:日前微软通过官方博客宣布 OneDrive iOS 版应用现在正式支持 iPhone 上传 Live Photos(实况照片),OneDrive 现在可以存储并回放 Live Photos 的全部动作和声音。 据苹果官网页面介绍,当拍摄实况照片时,iPhone 会录下拍照前后各1.5 秒所发生的一切。你获得的不仅仅是一张精美照片,还有拍照前后时刻的动作和...
Backup iPhone photos directly to OneDrive I am currently using icloud for backups but would like to backup photos only to one drive. Or if there is a way to set a direct link to automatically send to one drive after taking them. I am driven crazy by the amount of multiple photos i h...
This guide will introduce five feasible ways to transfer photos from a Mac to an iPhone. Whether you want to use iCloud, you can find the right way here. Now, apply one of these ways to import photos from your Mac to your iPhone as you want.
站长之家( 12月21日消息:日前微软通过官方博客宣布 OneDrive iOS 版应用现在正式支持 iPhone 上传 Live Photos(实况照片),OneDrive 现在可以存储并回放 Live Photos 的全部动作和声音。 据苹果官网页面介绍,当拍摄实况照片时,iPhone 会录下拍照前后各1.5 秒所发生的一切。你获得的不仅仅是一张精美照片,...
OneDrive syncs photos and files from your iPhone to your Surface. You need to sign in to your Microsoft account first, but any updates or changes you make in OneDrive will appear on both your devices. Sign in to OneDrive on Surface ...
Part 2: Manage iPhone Files Using Microsoft OneDrive - Best for Windows Users OneDrive deeply integrates with Microsoft 365 apps and provides strong privacy protections. Tight Integration OneDrive enables you to directly edit Office documents like Word, Excel, PowerPoint. You can also save photos ...
3. Transferring photos usingAirDropto Mac or other Apple devices; 4. Backing up with iCloud or syncing with iCloud Photos or My Photo Stream; 5. Using the iTunes backup features; 6. Syncing with 3rd-party cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. ...