你可以将 iOS 设备置于恢复模式,然后使用电脑进行恢复。 出现以下情况时,你可能需要使用恢复模式来恢复你的设备: 电脑无法识别你的设备,或提示你的设备处于恢复模式。 屏幕上持续显示 Apple 标志长达几分钟时间,但没有显示进度条。 你看到“连接到电脑”屏幕。
Hi there, I've backed up my iPhone 5 operating ios8. As my backup is encrypted and I've forgotten my password. Now when I'm resorting my iPhone from backed up file it asking me a password and I don't remember that. Is this software restore the backup file if it's encrypt and yo...
I’ve tried resetting and it won’t restore. I chose the iCloud back up and this is where I’m stuck. Please tell me how to get out of the restore screen and make the iPhone available again. Thanks. If your iPhone is stuck on the “support.apple.com/iPhone/restore” screen like t...
Since your iPhone stuck on the restore screen, you may fail to restart it and get this problem solved. In this case, you can try an iOS system recovery tool and fix iphone stuck on restore screen issues. AnyFix, as an outstandingiOS system repairtool, performs great at removing the restor...
According to support.apple.com/iphone/restore reddit, we know that many people face iPhone stuck on restore screen issues. If you've encountered the frustrating situation where your iPhone is stuck on the "support.apple.com/iphone/restore" screen, don't worry - you're not alone. In this ...
If you see the Restore screen on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, learn what to do. Restart your device If you see the Restore screen, restart your device: iPad models with Face ID: Press and quickly release the Volume Up button. Press and quickly release the Volume Down button. Press...
If the Restore screen appears on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch If a restore error is not present, but the Restore screen still appears, or you can't force a restart because one of your buttons is broken or stuck, contact Apple Support....
Method 1: Force restart iPhone to get out of the restore screen A force restart is the first solution you’ll want to try, especially if you hope to swiftly get your iPhone out of the Restore screen without a computer or losing data. It will fully power off your iPhone and start iOS ...
Step 4: Choose Restore and Update from the next dialog that pops up, then follow the on-screen instructions to restore your iPhone to factory settings. Method 5: Contact Apple support In case none of the above methods work for you, the problem may be the hardware. If so, you will need...
In the case of an iPhone 6/6s and the models before that, press the Wake and Home together. While doing this, wait till the Apple logo come on the screen. After seeing the logo, leave the buttons. 2. Restore iPhone 14 with iTunes ...