It might be a few years old but Apple's 5G iPhone SE is still an affordable way into the iPhone lineup.
04 May 2020 Dear GSMArena staff, I don't care about i{hone SE's audio test because it doesn't have a jack, but I still wish to tell you,.. In the review, your statement, "The reason for that is that most phones were already excellent in this regard" is an inaccurate one. ...
Finally an official review. I've been refreshing daily just to find out your lab results for the battery life. Thank you, GSMarena, big hug. Reply ? Anonymous Ixt 03 May 2020 Speed and camera is good but not so good when the battery life is poor and turns into a brick afterwards...
Apple iPhone SE (2020) 普及度 0.4 % 显示屏 4.7" 1334 × 750 px 芯片组 Apple A13 Bionic 内存 3072 MB 存储空间 64 / 128 / 256 GB 摄像头 12 MP 操作系统 iOS 13 此页面显示的每个基准测试分数是用户为该设备提交的所有结果的中位数。对于受欢迎的型号,中位数分数是从数以千计的基准测试结果中...
Apple iPhone SE (2020): front camera video Apple iPhone 11: front camera video Huawei P40 Pro: front camera video Conclusion With generally satisfying selfie performance, the new iPhone SE is a good option for selfie shooters who want a less expensive iPhone alternative to Apple’s other curren...
Apple iPhone SE (2020) review Specifications Compare Pictures Related phonesPost your opinion Sort by: Y You dont know pWF 14 Jul 2024 Anonymous, 10 May 2024How many hours of screen time do u get daily I have 83% battery Health and it doesnt fill the standards i have 1-2 h screen...
4.7" iPhone 的设计极为经典, SE 的更新让这个设计重新焕发了生命力. 虽然 SE 相比 11 Pro 还有市面上很多 Android 机器少了不少特性, 但也正因为如此我们得以一窥在这样的「减法」之下, SE 的体验究竟如何. YouTube HDR 版本: ...
Thanks to very few artifacts and a very good tonal balance — and despite its slight lack of high- and low-end frequency response — the iPhone SE delivers good background recordings. Conclusion In playback, the iPhone SE (2020) delivers a good overall performance, with precise attack, few...
There are always two ways to look at an iPhone, especially one with such a controversial design as the iPhone 8, sorry, SE. It's either love or hate. It...
Apple claims battery life is in line with the iPhone 8 – a claim we’ll verify later in the mini-review. Overall, it’s been refreshing to use a smaller form-factor phone these days. I have no doubts that a very large part of the potential buyers of the iPhone SE will be those ...