Apple is planning to launch two new iPhone SE models over the next two years, according to TF Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. In a note to...
Apple is developing a new version of the iPhone SE, which is expected to feature some major changes. In addition to a new, larger size, Apple will...
iPhone SE(第 2 代) 推出年份:2020 年 容量:64 GB、128 GB、256 GB 颜色:白色、黑色、红色 型号:A2275(加拿大、美国)、A2298(中国大陆)、A2296(其他国家和地区) 细节:显示屏为 4.7 英寸(对角线)。正面玻璃平整,具有弧形边缘。采用玻璃背板设计,机身环绕阳极氧化铝边框。侧边按钮位于设备的右侧。设备配备了...
不过具体配置参数暂时未知,尺寸应该不会有啥大变化,毕竟现款Model Y的空间也是比较OK的,就看标配电池容量、一些舒适配置上会不会有大升级了。 作为苹果家族最便宜的机型,iPhone SE系列已经快3年没有更新了,而最近的消息都表明,苹果将于今年发布新SE。 SE4最大的改变来自屏幕形态,将采用刘海全面屏,尺寸为6.1英寸,...
The iPhone SE is $30 more than the identically named model that launched in 2020 for $399. It offers more than that model, including support for faster 5G cellular, stronger glass, and the same high-speed processor that appears in the more expensive iPhone 13 (which starts at $699 f...
The Apple iPhone SE (2022) is powered by a 2,018mAh battery, which is a 10% increase over the previous 2020 model. Combined with the new more power-efficient chipset, the third iPhone SE promises 2 more hours of video playback (both local and streamed), as well as 10 more hours of...
而在价格方面更是极具性价比,iphone SE注定以悲剧收场。对于用户而言,性价比才是最终的选择,不是所有质量好的产品销量一定就好,几号几千元的手机,到手感觉性价比不好,用段时间可以换一台,特斯拉乞丐版Model3的国内售价35万左右售价,显然没有很大的诚意,最终得到的将会是口碑不错,销量惨淡。
Ming-Chi Kuo deserves some praise –as far back as 2022he predicted that the iPhone SE 4 will be delayed until 2024. Or maybe that should be “at least until 2024”, recent reports from Korea suggest that the new modelmight be coming in 2025instead. That said, if case makers are alrea...
【CNMO科技消息】目前,关于iPhone SE 4的爆料信息正不断涌现,预示着其正式发布的日子已为期不远。而近日,CNMO注意到,一段视频展示了这款新机被握在手中的模样,但需要注意的是,这并非真机,而是模型机。 iPhone SE 4模型机 根据之前的爆料,iPhone SE 4的外观将借鉴iPhone 14的设计,采用单后置摄像头,而非iPhone...
The iPhone SE second generation looks a lot like the iPhone 8 but includes the same A13 processor in Apple's high-end iPhone 11 phones. Preorders begin Friday.