参考文章 How iOS Apps Adapt to the various iPhone 12 Screen Sizes | by Geoff Hackworth Michael Tsai - Blog - iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro 台湾iOS 开发者 @ethanhuang13 的推文
《iOS设备的屏幕尺寸、分辨率及其屏幕边长比例》 《iOS判断设备屏幕尺寸、分辨率》 《iOS8中的UIScreen》 《Detecting iPhone 6/6+ screen sizes in point values》 《iOS8已出,@3x图让我们何去何从?》 《在Xcode 6中用矢量化PDF(vectorized PDF)来支持各种尺寸的iPhone》 《iOS8适配须知》 《适配iOS8备忘录...
Apple Device Screen Sizes App icons AppStore审核之App预览规范 AppStore审核之App截屏规范 Apple设备数据宝库 最后编辑于:2025.01.02 17:05:32 ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 4人点赞 烂笔头 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "如果觉得我的文章对您有用,那我是很高兴的🤡。记录📝、收藏⭐️一...
Screen Sizes 是一个网站,即开即用:https://www.screensizes.app/
UIScreen.h中定义了该属性: // The natural scale factor associated with the screen.(read-only) @property(nonatomic,readonly) CGFloatscaleNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(4_0); --- This value reflects the scale factor needed to convert from the defaultlogical coordinate spaceinto thedevice coordinate...
《iOS8中的UIScreen》 《Detecting iPhone 6/6+ screen sizes in point values》 《iOS8已出,@3x图让我们何去何从?》 《在Xcode 6中用矢量化PDF(vectorized PDF)来支持各种尺寸的iPhone》 《iOS8适配须知》 《适配iOS8备忘录》 《iOS界面适配(一)(二)(三)》 ...
Apple iPhone 11 have 6.1" physical screen size and its resolution is about 828 x 1792 Pixels with approximately 326 PPI pixel density. Apple iPhone 11 has viewport size 414 x 896 Pixels and its pixel ratio is about 2. For better understanding screen actual sizes, viewport sizes, display reso...
Apple iPhone 13 Pro have 6.1" physical screen size and its resolution is about 1170 x 2532 Pixels with approximately 460 PPI pixel density. Apple iPhone 13 Pro has viewport size 390 x 844 Pixels and its pixel ratio is about 3. For better understanding screen actual sizes, viewport sizes, ...
...、分辨率及其屏幕边长比例》 《iOS判断设备屏幕尺寸、分辨率》 《iOS8中的UIScreen》 《Detecting iPhone 6/6+ screen sizes in point 2.7K20 css适配不同分辨率屏幕_html5判断分辨率 图像的显示都是由许多像素点排列组成的,手机屏幕分辨率就代表着像素个数,当用手机屏幕中横向的像素点与竖向的像素点相乘的...
iPhone Screen Measurements There are a few different values to consider when looking at the iPhone screen sizes. I’m going to get these values defined here so the chart below makes more sense: iPhone Display Size (inches)– This is diagonal measure of the screen, from corner to corner, ju...