这一步是启用保护隐私的广告衡量的关键。 - 你可以通过开启“防跟踪”(prevent cross-site tracking)开关来增强隐私保护。 - 接着,返回上一级菜单,找到并点击“网站数据”,再次确认“阻止跨站追踪”(block cross-site tracking)选项已开启。 4. 启用隐私保护广告衡量:一些版本的ios系统中,你可以在safari的“高级”...
您会在这里找到六个设置: Prevent Cross-Site Tracking:Some websites use third-party services to track what you do across the internet in order to serve you targeted ads. If you enable this setting, Safari regularly deletes tracking data unless you visit the third-party directly. For example, ...
How to disable the "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" feature in Safari on iPhone/iPad 1. On your iPhone/iPad, open the "Settings" App Return to the Home Screen by pressing the round button underneath the screen. You will see the grid of icons. Then, find the "Settings" icon and tap on ...
To prevent this you can either disable the Today View from being accessible when your device is locked (see earlier tip: Control access to what's accessible when the iPhone or iPad is locked), or you can edit the widgets as follows: Swipe to the right on the Home screen into the Today...
Safari 设置——更多隐私选择,比如Try to Prevent Cross-Site Tracking,还有相机和麦肯风范文权限设置。 紧急SOS——设置应用中新增的紧急 SOS 选项,支持用户设定在睡眠/唤醒按键被按下5次之后,自动拨打911。 密码自动填充——这个功能将支持第三方应用。
Safari 设置——更多隐私选择,比如Try to Prevent Cross-Site Tracking,还有相机和麦肯风范文权限设置。 紧急SOS——设置应用中新增的紧急 SOS 选项,支持用户设定在睡眠/唤醒按键被按下5次之后,自动拨打911。 密码自动填充——这个功能将支持第三方应用。 自动暂停上传内容——iOS 11中设备电池电量低时,系统会自动停...
Please Note!If you have just enabled thePrevent Cross-Site Trackingfeature, you will need to restart Safari before the setting takes full effect. Click here to check if Cookies are enabled. You may also want to take a moment toclear your cookies and history on iOS....
Prevent cross-site tracking:This is when companies compile data on you from your behavior on multiple websites. Block all cookies:Just remember that many first-partycookiesare helpful or at least benign — they’ll do things like remember your language preferences or keep track of items in your...
Most Safari privacy protections are already turned on, including Prevent Cross-Site Tracking, Fraudulent Website Warning, and Privacy Preserving Ad Measurement. If they aren’t, you can turn them on in the next few steps. Step 2 Below Privacy & Security, tap Hide IP Address. ...
Step 2: Enable Prevent Cross-Site Tracking>Click onClear History and Website Data>SelectCamera. Step 3: Disable Camera >SelectMicrophone to Disable it. For Mac: Step 1:LaunchSafarion your Mac>Click onSafariat the top of the Mac Menu>SelectSettings. ...