其實從 iPhone 傳照片到電腦方法非常多,直接用 USB 線、官方 iCloud/AirDrop,或 Google 相簿等都可以,可惜的是不僅傳輸速度慢還經常「不翼而飛」。而 FonePaw DoTrans 不負眾望,可自選或一鍵將 iPhone 手機照片傳到 Windows 11/10/8/7,一個不漏、按時排序、高效省時! 免費下載 免費下載 無...
Get to know about some quick solutions to import photos from iPhone to Windows 10 here. The guide has listed 4 ways to import photos from iPhone to Windows.
Hello everyone, I recently upgraded to Windows 11 and need help transferring photos (200GB) from my iPhone directly to an external hard drive as backup. My iPhone's storage is almost full, and I’d l...
I used the Windows Photos app to easilytransfer photos from iPhone to PC Windows 11. This method is relatively intuitive and suitable for people who don't want to manually operate folders. The specific steps are as follows: First, connect your iPh...
PhotoPC @photopc_app English Transfer made easy in just two steps! Windows utility Step 1. Install Windows Client ( Win7+ Release ) iOS APP Step 2. Install AppAndroid App v1.06 No.DownloadStageOs 1 v1.4.03.16 👍ReleaseWindows7/8/10/11 ...
File Explorer Run File Explorer to transfer photos from iPhone to Windows 10/11 without iTunes. Without iTunes or USB iCloud App If you want to transfer photos wirelessly without iTunes, iCloud should be your best choice. iCloud.com How to Transfer Photos from iPhone to PC Without i...
If you want to connect iPhone to Windows 11 PC for battery charge or photo transfer, using a USB cable is enough. By connecting your iPhone to your PC with a USB cable, you can choose to charge the phone or transfer files (photos and videos). However, you should know that you can ...
第3部分:通过Photos应用程序将视频从iPhone传输到Mac 在学习如何从iPhone到Windows PC获取视频之后,让我们讨论如何在Mac上执行相同的操作。有许多方法可以在iPhone和Mac之间移动视频。最简单的方法之一是使用原生照片应用。它可以帮助您轻松管理iPhone和Mac上的照片和视频。要了解如何将视频从iPhone传输到计算机,您只需按照...
使用“隔空投送”与附近的其他 Apple 设备共享和接收照片、文稿等。 开始之前 “隔空投送”使用方法 如何接受“隔空投送” 如何调整“隔空投送”设置 开始之前 确保要接收内容的用户就在附近,并且在蓝牙和无线局域网范围内。 检查你与要接收内容的用户是不是均已打开无线局域网和蓝牙。如果有任一方打开了“个人热...
有iPhone 镜像功能,在 Mac 上就能看到 iPhone 屏幕画面,还能直接进行操控,不拿起手机也照样用手机。利用连续互通功能,可直接用 Mac 接听 iPhone 上的来电或回信息。从 iPhone 拷贝图片、视频或文字,也可再粘贴到手边 Mac 上的其他 app 中。借助 iCloud,用其中哪个设备都能访问自己的文件。