在PC 上,你可能还需要更新 iTunes、更新“Apple 设备”,以及更新驱动程序。 重新启动你的设备 重新启动 iPhone 重新启动 iPad 重新启动 Mac 重新启动 Windows PC 在Windows 或 macOS 中允许设备进行连接 当你将设备连接到 Windows PC 时,“设备管理器”可以确认你的电脑是不是已连接到 iPhone 或 iPad,并根据需...
现在,您在iOS设备上执行的任何操作都会显示在LonelyScreen AirPlay Receiver窗口中,包括音乐和视频。您可以扩大LonelyScreen窗口,以在PC屏幕上放大来自iOS设备的内容。 要停止将iOS设备镜像到PC,请单击LonelyScreen窗口右上角的齿轮按钮,以关闭LonelyScreen。您的PC将不再在iOS设备的AirPlay设置中显示。 如前所述,您可...
4. Go to your Windows 10 PC, click on"This PC", click on your iPhone under Devices and drives, openInternal Storage, you can copy the photos from your iPhone to this computer. Way 2: Connect iPhone to Windows 10 PC via Bluetooth 1. Turn on Bluetooth on Windows 10 PC: Click o...
We often connect our iPhone to it toimport photos and videos in camera roll, but it happens sometimes that iPhone won’t show up on pc. This problem usually takes place on Windows 10/8/7/XP computer and happens occasionally on Mac. Then, why iPhone connect to PC not showing? How to ...
More how-tos How to download YouTube videos for free, plus two other methods Wi-Fi problems? Add a wired network to your home without Ethernet cable - here's how Wiping a Windows laptop? Here's the safest free way to erase your personal data ...
Sync your smartphone and Windows computer wirelessly using Microsoft Phone Link. Text, call, back up photos and more, no matter if you have an Android or an iPhone.
Run Windows 10 on your Mac using VirtualBox How to install Windows on Mac | How to run Windows on Mac How to connect Mac and Windows 10 PC and share files How to connect an iPhone to a Windows 10 PC: Install iTunes To sync your iPhone with a Windows 10 computer you’ll...
不过遗憾的是不能在苹果设备上原生运行Windows 10或者Windows 10 on ARM。如果你有兴趣,可以按照以下步骤在iPhone上运行Windows 10:1.下载AltStore并添加源“https://alt.getutm.app”。2.安装UTM(https://github.com/utmapp/UTM/releases)。3.安装UTM后,下载并使用Windows 10 ISO映像。
2.如何从PC远程控制越狱的iPhone 如果您的iPhone已越狱,则可以完全在所有数字设备上控制iPhone。 更具体地说,您可以从Mac,Windows,Linux,Android甚至其他iOS设备上完全控制。 有许多应用程序可以帮助您从计算机远程访问 iPhone,例如AirServer、ISL Light、Veency 等。本节将向您展示如何使用 Veency 从 Windows 10 计算机...
1)VisitiCloud.comin Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or a browser of your choice on your Windows PC. 2)Sign in using the same Apple Account you use on your iPhone. If you don’t know your Apple ID,here’s how to find it. 3)ClickNotes. ...