当您发现iPhone未显示在iTunes中时,首先要做的是重新启动iTunes并检查更新。 关闭iTunes应用程序后,拔下iPhone,重新启动计算机,将iPhone连接到计算机并再次尝试启动iTunes。 如果问题仍然存在,您应该考虑按照以下步骤更新iTunes。 重启iTunes for iPhone不会出现在Mac上 步骤1。 从“应用程序”文件夹中打开iTunes应用...
看这篇文章解决困难iPhone硬件或审判以下助理之一:[translate] aiPhone not appearing in iTunes iPhone没出现于iTunes[translate]
如果你看到“无法连接”信息、App 无法载入任何内容,或者内容停止下载,请了解该怎么做。如果你无法连接到以下任一 App 或服务,请尝试这些步骤:App Store Apple Arcade Game Center Apple 账户卡片 Apple Books Apple Music Apple Fitness+ Apple 播客 Apple TV+ Apple TV 频道 Apple News iTunes Store...
iPhone 在 iTunes 中不显示 翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 IPhone不出现於iTune 翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 iPhone没出现于iTunes 相关内容 a陈智轩 Chen Zhixuan[translate] a看投影仪 Looks at the projecting apparatus[translate] ...
I am currently trying to not really jailbreak my iPhone, but I'm trying to install a file which gives me the new Siri animation. Whenever I connect my 15 Pro, iTunes does not show anything, just some podcasts or whatever. Is there a way I could get my iPhone to show in iTunes?
iPhone not showing in iTunes My iPhone 13 doesn't always show when connected to my Windows 11 PC. Sometimes it does, says it's syncing, then disappears. I'm on IOS 18, but this started prior to the upgrade. The phone shows it's charging when connected, so that much is good. ...
Restart the computer and connect the iPhone to your computer via USB cable, then open iTunes to see if the iPhone is detected or not.This should definitely solve your issue of iPhone not showing in iTunes; let us know if you were able to resolve this issue, by commenting below.Tags: ...
当你的设备开机并连接到电脑后,它应该会显示在“访达”、iTunes 或“Apple 设备”App 中。如果你没有看到相应设备,请按照以下步骤操作。 在“访达”、iTunes 或“Apple 设备”App 中查找 在装有macOS Catalina 或更高版本的 Mac 上,请在任意“访达”窗口的边栏中查找你的设备*。
在设置里面Safari的下面 有一个iTunes Store And App Store 。点开之后 有Apple ID 点一下,注销,再重新登录。系统会自动告诉你不是在某某地区,需要跳到那个商店会自动过去的。然后关了App Store重新开一下就OK了。一般应该是升级了系统版本才会出现这样的情况。
Content synced using Finder or iTunes Data already stored in iCloud – iCloud Photos, iMessage, text (SMS), and multimedia (MMS) messages Activity, Health, Keychain data Apple Mail data How to back up iPhone on Mac Before you start backing up your iPhone data on a Mac, you need to ...