默认情况下,紧急警报功能在您的 iPhone 上处于活动状态。 它会向您发送有关极端天气、儿童绑架和其他公共安全问题的警报。 警报是一个方便的功能,但有时您可能会想:为什么我在 iPhone 上收不到紧急警报? 但是第二天,您会在电视新闻中看到它。 不幸的是,很难找到根本原因,但你必须在你的 iPhone 上修复这个错误。
默認情況下,如果當地政府發布緊急警報功能,您的 iPhone 會啟用緊急警報選項。 然後,如果遇到緊急情況,你會在 iPhone 上收到一條消息,它還會發出響亮的聲音提醒你,這在睡眠時間會很煩人。 所以,解決方案如何關閉 iPhone 上的緊急警報很緊急。 在學習如何操作之前,您應該了解此類警報的必要性,因為它們可以警告您即將發...
We’ve spent the time to create guidelines for you to discover what’s included in emergency alerts, the best way to see emergency alerts on your iPhone, and methods to disable them when they are not in use. Where Do I Find AMBER Alerts On My IPhone? This AMBER Alerts alert setting is...
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Tap Emergency Alerts to turn them on or off. * Alerts are supported when using a SIM card from a supported carrier. Alerts sent to your device are translated into the language that you have set on your device. Your Apple Watch can receive these ...
As long as you have iOS 15 or newer, you can set up a feature called Focus which allows you to choose the alerts and notifications you receive and let others know you're busy. This can help you avoid getting distracted by all of your phone's notifications while you're trying to work...
This is not a new problem for me or my wife. Both of use have IOS 13.1.2 – me on 11pro max, her on 8. Both are not getting alert tones. We have checked all the settings and had changed NOTHING. This loss of message alerts is a recurrent (bad) theme with Apple for the ...
If your iPhone says SOS in the top right corner, this means that your cellular reception is poor, your SIM card has failed, or if your cellular settings are not set to Automatic. SOS only means that your phone has no cellular connection, so you will only be able to place emergency call...
How to Turn Off Emergency Alerts on iPhone To completely turn off AMBER alerts on iPhone (and other emergency alerts), you'll need to change a specific setting. For more hidden Settings tips and tricks, try signing up for our freeTip of the Daynewsletter. ...
Both iOS 15.6 and iOS 16 provide a new toggle which lets you test emergency alerts from the US government on your iPhone and Apple Watch.
Fix: Not Getting Mail Notifications on Mac Reminders Not Working? How To Fix Remove iPhone Calendar Alert “Your Information Is Exposed” Contents[hide] How to Enable Test Alerts on iPhone and Apple Watch How to Enable Test Alerts for A Family Member’s Apple Watch ...