it also won't hold a Wifi signal for more than a few minutes at a time now. So far, I've: turned cellular data on and off turned airplane mode on and off restarted my phone several times taken my sim card out and put it back in reset my network settings Unfortunately, none of th...
Cellular Data Can’t turn for Some apps; Mobile data is dibbled for the app-specific, Check inside settings app on iPhone > Cellular Data or mobile data > Scroll down and find app name “Turn the toggle on to use mobile data for the app“. Why is my iPhone 15 Pro not connecting ...
Now instead of going through all of the steps that don't work I lay the phone down and usually within 5 minutes the network selection returns and I can again make voice calls (voip). I have not had any problems when I am in cellular service. I don't know if it is an Apple proble...
The error occurred first when iPhone 7 users shifted their iOS to iOS 15 on update. The particular error led to disabling the cellular data on your iPhone. Users were not receiving any signals on their iPhones, and they were not able to send any messages or make a call through their devi...
One of the most crippling problems you could ever face on an iPhone is the No Service issue. This is so because a No Service issue means that the iPhone is not connected to your chosen cellular/ mobile network. Learn why this happens and how to fix your
Some users found the problem with restrictions like “can log on to the internet but only a few of my apps work with WIFI and/cellular data. All others say no internet connection; cannot download the app, Try again later.” Reset all settings of your device will fix the issue because of...
How to Fix iPhone 16 Stuck on Cellular Setup Complete Screen? Top 4 Ways Top Methods to Fix iTunes Back Up Now Grey Button How to Fix the Device is Unreachable iPhone Error? 8 Best Tools to Fix iPhone Software Problems Comprehensive Guide to Download IPA Files from iPhone ...
As someone who depends on cellular data for work, I understand the challenges you might be facing. But I figured out how to reconnect with no fuss. I’ll share effective methods that can get your iPhone or iPad connected to the network again. Why might this happen? Why is my data no...
Click on "Cellular" on the iPhone Settings interface. Find the option of "Wi-Fi Assist" and toggle to turn it off. 8. Check WiFi Router Sometimes, when the WiFi router is used for a long time, the WiFi will disconnect when iPhone is locked. In this case, you can check if there is...
Resetting network settings would have an effect on your WiFi, Bluetooth, VPN, and cellular connections. Why does my iPad keep disconnecting from WiFi? If your iPad regularly loses WiFi connection, update your WiFi router’s firmware to the latest version. Outdated firmware often causes connection ...