(原标题:iPhone 11 Night mode camera tested in first real-world images) 作者| 少年 出品| 网易科技《知否》栏目组(公众号:tech_163) 更多精彩内容,请关注《苹果发布iPhone 11》专题报道 推特用户@Coco Rocha 放出了苹果iPhone11 Pro Max和iPhone X的夜间拍照样张对比,从照片来看,iPhone 11 Pro Max新增的夜...
现在,用户在拍摄影片时可选右上角的解像度、Frame Rate,是否要用4K?是否要60fps?全部由用户在Camera App决定。方便用户对于一些珍贵的画面,以4K 60FPS拍下来。其实这项功能对一些新iPhone于iOS 13.x便有,但现在iOS 14将此功能开放给全线iPhone。改进6:夜景模式拍得更稳定 iPhone 11/11 Pro 的Night Mode...
借助“夜间模式”,“ iPhone 12 Pro”可以自动增亮肖像照片,同时保留夜间感觉,平衡图像的明暗元素。 以下是在iPhone 12 Pro和iPhone 12 Pro Max上使用Night Mode拍摄人像的方法。 在iPhone 12 Pro或iPhone 12 Pro Max上启动Camera应用程序。 选择寻像器下方的人像。 如...
When using the Camera app on iPhones, the Night Mode feature comes on automatically when the camera sensor registers an indoor or outdoor scene...
Apple's iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro models both feature upgraded camera systems with some impressive new capabilities, including a Night Mode...
凭借手动设置长达1秒的曝光的选项、独立的余光和ISO优化处理,Night Camera 非常适合在光线不足的黑暗环境中拍照。即使在白天,由于更长的曝光时间,您的照片也变得更加清晰,并且干扰更少。 无论是夜间模式,风景模式或者其他模式,用夜间相机版拍出来的照片质量都会让你惊讶。 您可以同时轻松点击对焦和点击曝光。在选择所...
Night Mode Camera I got a iphone 12, and whenever i go into a semi, or fairly dark room. The night mode indicator on the top left shows how long it'll be taking the photo, usually 2 or 3 seconds. but on my phone, it just spazzes numbers 1, 2 and 3. like it cannot decide ho...
我发现它比已经不错的iPhone 11 Pro 略强一些。但是如果你希望通过 iPhone 拍摄出更优秀的照片,请等待 iPhone 12 Pro Max。这似乎是我们多年来经历的iPhone相机硬件中最重大的飞跃,距离上市只有 3 个星期了。”更多照片可以访问:https://austinmann.com/trek/iphone-12-pro-camera-review-glacier ...
How does iPhone Night Mode actually work? is the shutter open for 30 seconds or does the phone stack 1 second exposures? Hello! I’m looking for more technical data on how the iPhone camera actually uses night mode. Specifically if the iPhone 15 Pro actually keeps it shutter open for 30...
Participants 5 Getting pretty bad lens glare on photos taken in Night Mode on the iPhone 12 Pro Max.Support thinks this is a software issue and specifically iOS 14.3 but I think this is a hardware issue.Is anyone else having nightmode camera problems Boost Copy NicB72 question Monyka...