威锋网消息,苹果于本周四发布了一支全新的 iPhone 7 电视广告。与过去两周我们看到的 iPhone 7 广告有所不同的是,这一次苹果借助了 iOS 10 的特性,而这个特性就是在官方信息应用里发送“生日快乐”(Happy Birthday)时出现的气球。 严格来说,这也可以说是一支 iOS 10 电视广告,因为旧设备也可以安装 iOS 10,同...
Balloons for “Happy birthday” Confetti for “Congratulations” Fireworks for “Happy New Year” Unfortunately, this feature cannot be disabled. If you don’t like Message animations, turn offAuto-Play Message EffectsinSettings>Accessibility>Motion. Are these eye-candy effects just a passing fad or...
When you receive a text message, you sometimes see special effects, like balloons floating or fireworks exploding across your screen. These special effects can be triggered by using specific words or phrases, such as "Congratulations," "Happy Birthday," and "Happy New Year." However, there is ...
For instance, you can create aHappy Birthdaymessage for your friend and schedule it to be sent automatically at midnight. Or, if you’re working late on the weekend, you can schedule your message to go to your coworker on Monday.
You can also send screen effects without even having to enter the effects menu, because iMessage checks for certain keywords and phrases to trigger the screen effects automatically. For example, you could send someone a “happy birthday” message for the balloon effect. Or you could congratulate...
1. Open theMessagesapp andtype out the message. 2. Once you’re ready to add a screen effect, type out the keyword or phrase that triggers the effect, such asHappy Birthday or Congratulations. 3. Then, press and hold the greensendbuttonto bring up the screen effect options. ...
Choose any one of the code words below and send your message. You will see the effect produced immediately: ‘Pew pew’ – laser light show ‘Happy birthday’ – balloons ‘Congratulations’ – confetti ‘Happy New Year’ – fireworks
4. What words trigger the screen effects in iMessage? Here are some words or phrases that can trigger effects in iMessages: Balloons effect: "Happy Birthday". Confetti effect: "Congratulations". Fireworks effect: "Happy New Year". Celebration effect: "Happy Chinese New ...
Happy birthday to the iPhone. It has been 10 years since the introduction of the iPhone 3. I wasn’t on board at the beginning. Back in 2007, I had some kind of Blackberry. I don’t remember the exact model. I got my first iPhone (a 3GS) in 2009. I bought it not long after...
Besides all the fun gifs and Bitmoji options it offers, you can send certain code words which allow you to add colorful animations to your messages, such as the laser effect from typing "pew pew" or the balloon effect from sending a "happy birthday" message. Besides all the fun gifs and...