Keyboard zh_Hans-Pinyin@sw=Pinyin;hw=USTimeIntervalSince1970 1367577514.811719ActivationStateAcknowledged TrueProtocolVersion 2SBLockdownEverRegisteredKey TrueTrustedHostAttached TrueActivationPublicKey CallsInProgress DeviceCertificate DevicePublicKey DieID 3543547808437627344 滑天下之大稽 水军之沝 14 滑天下之...
To make this method work, you need an OTG and Keyboard. Follow these steps when you don't know how to unlock iPhone with unresponsive screen. Step 1:Just use an OTG and connect the Keyboard to your iPhone. Step 2:Then power on your iPhone. Step 3:In the end, enter your iPhone's ...
Capitalize all letters:And if you need to type something in all caps, there’s a shortcut for that, too. Justquickly double-tap the Shift key. This will activate the Caps Lock, allowing you to type in uppercase without pressing the Shift key for each letter. 18. Access numbers and pun...
// 导入AMKeyboardNumberPad框架import AMKeyboardNumberPad// 初始化一个数字键盘实例let numberPad = AMKeyboardNumberPad()// 设置键盘主题为深色模式numberPad.setTheme(.dark)// 添加键盘事件监听器,用于捕获用户输入的数字numberPad.onNumberEntered = { number in print("用户输入了数字: \(number)")}// ...
Enable Caps Lock If you’re entering a string of capital letters, you can lock your keyboard to capital letters by double-tapping the shift key. Tap the shift key again to exit the cap lock keyboard. Enter a number or special character without switching to the number keyboard ...
you can also use an apple wireless keyboard to enter text. tap shift to type uppercase, or touch the shift key and slide to a letter. double-tap shift for caps lock. to enter numbers, punctuation, or symbols, tap the number key 123 or the symbol key #+= . to quickly end a ...
Security Ads, Pop-ups, & Notifications Free apps typically get revenue through ads, pop-ups, or notifications. Learn how to manage these on your device. Find My iPhone Use Find My iPhone to locate your device and take additional actions to recover it and keep your data safe. ...
Lock Screen Customization In iOS 16, users can create multiple customized Lock Screens according to their preferences and easily switch between them by holding down and swiping. Subscribe to the MacRumors YouTube channelfor more videos. Users can choose a new multilayered effect for wallpapers so ...
If you want to write text in continuous capital letters, just double tap the shift key and the keyboard will be changed with capital letters. You may not notice the shift key is highlighted with an underscore to indicate caps lock is on. ...
原始仓库: master 克隆/下载 分支1 标签0 Marco Abundo Check for valid interface orientation. c3e6eaf 13年前 10 次提交 AMTextFieldNumberPad.bundle Fix events 13年前 Demo Remove build, fix other 13年前 AMTextFieldNumberPad.h first...