如果你在使用 iCloud 云备份对 iPhone 或 iPad 进行备份方面需要协助,请了解该怎么做。 如果有警告提示没有足够的 iCloud 储存空间 打开“设置”App,然后轻点你的姓名。 轻点“iCloud”。在顶部,你可以查看已使用多少 iCloud 储存空间。 轻点“储存空间”或“管理账户储存空间”。
I have 200GB of storage at iCloud in total, used 112GB at the moment. The amount of backup storage used is 10GB for this phone. Now my iPhone 13 Pro Max 256GB is on 16.3.1, but it started on whatever version was out last year. So, now my questions: Do I need to backup to...
I just checked again and the message is about an error connecting to the server. 2 years ago 253 3 iCloud Backup Failed : There was a problem enabling iCloud Backup. My iPhone 7 can not backup with iCloud. When I switch the to enable iCloud backup, pop up say “iCloud Backup F...
Part 1.Reasons behind iPhone Not Backing Up to iCloud Part 2.Solutions to Take When iCloud Backup Failed on the iPhone Solution#1:Connect iPhone to a Power Source Solution#2:Ensure Wi-Fi Network is Strong and Stable Solution#3:Keep Enough iCloud Space ...
Part 1 修復 iCloud 無法備份問題 Part 2 解決無法回復 iCloud 備份 Part 1 修復 iCloud 無法備份問題 移除Apple ID 之前,請先備份 iOS 裝置資料。如果關聯了 Apple Watch,也需要先取消匹配。 請根據以下步驟檢視 iCloud 備份無法完成的原因並參照對應的解決方法修復問題。注意:將 iOS 設備連接穩定的無線網路。
iOS 16.3 appears to be impacting the iCloud Backup feature for some people who have upgraded to the new software, based on complaints on the...
如果从 iCloud 或电脑恢复 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 备份时需要设备装有较新版本的 iOS 或 iPadOS,请了解该怎么做。 如果你正在恢复 iCloud 云备份 如果恢复 iCloud 云备份时需要较新版本的 iOS 或 iPadOS,系统可能会提示你更新软件。如果你选择下载并安装更新,设备将自动更新软件,然后恢复备份。
Insufficient iCloud storage is one of the most common reasons for a failed backup. Every iPhone user gets 5GB of iCloud storage for free, but if you use your iPhone for photos, videos, and apps, you will likely find that 5GB isn’t enough space. Fortunately, you can upgrade to up to...
如果你备份了 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch,那么当你遇到设备更换、丢失或损坏情形时,就有信息副本可供使用。 选取备份方法 在开始之前,请了解iCloud 云备份与你使用电脑进行的备份有什么区别。然后,选取最适合你的方法。 通过iCloud 进行备份 使用Mac 进行备份 ...