850 a day. Now if that was say the Shetland Islands or Fiji, I would say its selling fairly well. But this is a country of 60000000 people. 850 60000000 850 60000000. Now I'm no market analyst, but I can spot a disaster when I see one. And thats a disaster. Th...
DescriptionThe iPhone 14 Pro Max A2651 is on sale exclusively in the United States and Puerto Rico. This is the only model supporting 5G mmWave network, therefore, it can deliver extreme capacity, ultra-high throughput and ultra-low latency to unlock the full 5G experience. Notably, the...
Wherein most of us were excited and eagerly anticipating for the release of the iPhone X. Reply S Ski EkK 08 Nov 2017 And im guessing it will reach Fiji right on November next year... cant even afford it anyway. Have to sell 2000 coconuts to purchase one Reply ? Anonymous vV5 08...