昨日凌晨,苹果发布了iOS12.0Beta5,这一版本透露了今年9月中旬即将面世的新iPhone的一项关键特性——双卡双待功能。这一发现由开发者Guilherme Rambo在Beta5固件中挖掘出来,其中出现的「second SIM status」、「second SIM tray status」以及「Dual sim device」等代码,无疑证实了新iPhone将具备这一备受期待的功能...
My Iphone 14 Promax Dual SIM experiencing SIM tray stuck and could not pullout the SIM tray to change the SIM. I observed some youtube videos guide that solve tray stuck issue by using paper paperclip, but when i try according to youtube guide, it is not working for me. Please help ...
Then there is the Chinese model (also sold in Hong Kong and Macao), which is the only one without an eSIM – it has a dual nano-SIM tray instead. eSIMs require carrier support and are more common (and easier to use) in some regions than others. This is...
Product:for iPhone SIM Card Holder;Warranty:24 Months;QC:Tested Strictly;Quality:100% Test Past;Delivery time:Within 1-3 Days;Packing:Anti-static Package;Service:Excellent After-sale Service;Shipping:EMS FEDEX UPS DHL POST;Price:Competitive Price (Factor
Iphone|Iphone 13 Pro Max Sim Slot|How To Replace Sim Card On Iphone| **Enhanced Connectivity for Your iPhone** The Dual Sim Card Reader Tray Slot Holder Connector Flex Ribbon Cable is an essential accessory for iPhone 11 and XR users who require the flexibility of using multiple SIM cards....
Dual SIM technology would also enable iPhone 7 users to use multiple carriers based upon network coverage, pricing, and other competitive differences. A customer in the United States, for example, might elect to use AT&T for nationwide voice and text messaging and T-Mobile for cheaper and unlimi...
而在苹果最新推送的iOS 12 bata 5固件中,出现了secondSimSimStatus、secondSimSimTrayStatus和DualSimDevice的字样,它们的意思分别是第二SIM卡状态、第二SIM卡卡托状态以及双SIM卡设备。这些描述正好证实了这一点,至少在软件方面苹果将支持双卡双待。 支持iPad横屏模式...
下一代 iPhone 将支持双卡双待 来自iOS 12 beta 5 的实锤,代码中出现出现「second SIM Status」与「second SIM Tray Status」,另一个组件也引用了「Dual Sim Device」,这就表明下一代 iPhone 将支持两张 SIM 卡同时工作,而且是两张实体 SIM 卡,并非是一张实体 SIM 和一张 e -SIM 卡,这也和早前的...
since it was updated to ios 15, it can't work properly with dua-sim. When eSim is activated, mobile data from physical sim will not be able to call on Messenger. 3 years ago 350 2 i have an iphone 14 pro with a dual sim tray. i tried to install and esim on the phone but...
I'll continue buying the dual SIM tray version in Hong Kong. Score: 23 Votes (Like | Disagree) v0lume4 32 months ago Back to the dark ages. I remember when Verizon finally adopted SIM cards and I was ecstatic. Calling to activate was the biggest pain in the rear. And it didn’t ...