如果iPhone5链接不上iTunes Store的时候,通常会收到一个错误弹窗信息“Cannot Connect to iTunes Store”!这时该怎么办呢?方法/步骤 1 方法一:还原网络设置 “设置” –> “通用” –> “还原” –> “还原网络设置”,设备便会重启。2 方法二:重置访问限制 “设置”–> “通用” –> “访问限制...
这个句话的意思是这个iphone不可用,需要连接到tiunes,意思应该是你这个绑定了你朋友之前的ID,可能提示要升级。第一先注销掉你朋友的ID:在设置-itues stroe这个选项,看下第一行的apple id点击下 注销掉,然后自己去苹果官方注册一个ID 第二:使用自己注册的ID ,在您装有itues软件的电脑,链接上去...
iPhone5连接不上iTunes截图iPhone5连接不上iTunes解决方法一:还原网络设置进入iPhone5“设置” –> “通用” –> “还原” –> “还原网络设置”,设备便会重启。iPhone5连接不上iTunes解决方法二:重置访问限制进入iPhone5““设置”–> “通用” –> “访问限制”,开启访问限制5秒,然后再关闭访问限制。iPho...
Hi, my iPhone 4 is showing a message saying: "iPhone is disabled - connect to iTunes", after another person put the wrong passcode 10 times. Searching the internet, read that I must have an iTunes or iCloud backup to save my data, or restore the device and lost everything. The prob...
iPhone is disabled connect to itunes iPhone disabled connect to iTunes 4 years ago 360 1 Iphone disabled says connect to itunes Iphone disabled connect to itunes 3 years ago 409 1 1 reply Sort By: Rank Page content loaded User profile for user: Raicya Raicya User level: Level 10...
换个时间段再试,app store经常会抽,一般过段时间又正常,没什么好担心的;
Part 1. Why does my iPhone say "iTunes could not connect to the iPhone because it is locked with a passcode"? Locking an iPhone with a passcode means your iPhone is secure. You just need to enter the right PIN in order to open and use it. But if you enter the wrong PIN...
"iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes" My phone has a message on the screen that states "iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes". I am unable to unlock it, and my computer is unable to recognize it. What should I do in order to get my phone to connect to iTunes? Posted on Jul...