设置-隐私-诊断与用量 如果是勾选了自动发送 就直接点 诊断用量与数据 找到log-aggregate加上今天日期的这一条点进去 然后在里面一直往下拉找到这一条<key>com.apple.snapshot.battery.maxCapacity</key><integer>1500</integer>然而最后这个数字就是手机满电的容量了。。楼主的买来半个月充了15次就变成1500mA了...
"iPhone 15 battery max capacity: My iphone 15 battery max capacity is on 90% after a year, and it started charging slower than earlier. Should I be worried about that?" --- Battery Health Deletion: No. You are fine. When the Battery Health gets to 80% or below, that is why it is...
As it could be expected, the battery from the box was zero (it has been lying in the warehouse for quite some time and I understand that batteries naturally discharge over time). I’ve checked max capacity in settings and it’s at 100%. Although, I’m worried if the fact that the b...
max capacity指的是您的电池的最大容量。感谢您的支持,祝您生活愉快。
(我记得这两个手机刚买回来用爱思看实际容量都是大于设计容量100多的,我都是用了将近1年才掉到99)还有楼主说的快捷指令看电池寿命,其实它提取的是log文件里的raw max capacity电池寿命日志,爱思提取的log文件是nominal capacity电池寿命日志。两者区别就是会有误差几十毫安的区别。 来自iPhone客户端14楼2021-11-...
爱思助手的电池损耗分..爱思助手的电池损耗分析果然有不对的我从诊断用量里面找到的,明明100%battery max capacity是2900没损耗,用爱思助手显示只有97了还是98
Appleproduct blogger Majin Bu broke the news on the X platform that the battery capacity of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is 4422mAh, which is about 2% more than the
tear of your battery, you can check the battery cycles of your iPhone usingiBackupBot, which not only determines the current capacity of the iPhone’s battery, but also the charging cycles. Alternatively you can use the free appBattery Life, which informs you about the current battery status....
rated capacity) and a wattage of 12.981Wh, while the iPhone 15 Pro has a 3,274mAh battery ...
. REASONS TO BUY:✨ Iphone 12 pro max battery: built-in multiple battery options provide a maximum battery capacity to keep your devices safe and secure. ✨ Iphone 6splus 7: get the most out of your iphone xs-x and you'll never have to worry about losing your phone battery anymore...