苹果降频门是有预谋的..苹果降频门是有预谋的自ios10系统以来,所有电池检测软件都被新系统软禁了,比如battery life的充电次数就被阉割了。为啥?苹果公开iPhone设备的使用寿命为三年,其实是在说电池的寿命,但其
Looking for Solutions and Tips for iPhone 12 iOS 15.1 Battery Drain Problem Hello everyone, I'm experiencing an issue with my iPhone 12 running iOS 15.1 and wanted to seek your insights on how to resolve it. Recently, I've noticed that my battery life has been draining significantly faster ...
My iPhone 16 Pro Max has half the battery life of my previous iPhone 13 Pro Max. I've had to turn off cellular data for many services and only charge it to 85% per Apple's recommendations. However, the battery drains very quickly and my phone randomly gets very warm to the touch. S...
Since the phone was introduced, it has faced numerous reports of poor battery life. Apple has tried to remedy the situation and has, for the most part, done a great job. There are, however, instances in which iPhone X users are still reporting problems such as poor battery life as well ...
Battery Life测试的电池损耗准那? 只看楼主 收藏 回复 快乐环绕145 iphone5c 7 用了三个多月说没损耗,我都怀疑了。 快乐环绕145 iphone5c 7 用什么比较准? 快乐环绕145 iphone5c 7 快乐环绕145 iphone5c 7 快乐环绕145 iphone5c 7 。。。 维他柠檬茶 iphone6 9 我用几天就显示1800了,然后...
If your system is in a relatively low verion, then it's time to make a renewal to check if the latest one can fix bug problems including this iPhone battery percentage stuck problem as usual.Step 1: Make sure you are in a stable network connection and have enough storage space....
接下来,我们就可以看到目前设备的损耗水平,Battery Life可以很清晰明了的以百分比形式告诉我们目前设备电池的损耗程度。然后,打开原始数据一栏,可以看到电池当前电量为多少毫安,出厂时总共多少毫安,目前损耗后一共有多少毫安。名为“少数派”的网友的回答也是很透彻:使用iPhone 的用户可能都有着这样的体验,从最开始的一天...
iphone查询电池损耗度app——Battery Life - 在app store里面搜索“Battery Life”,打开之后界面就直接是电池的损耗程度,图示中是一台用了两个月的6s plus,电池损耗2%,还算可以,充电习惯还可以 在左上角那个菜单按钮,选择“Raw Data”就可以考到损耗程度,正确的电
Battery Life苹果版是一款专为苹果手机和苹果手表打造的一款电池检测平台,平台可以很清晰的查看设备的电池寿命,对你的电池有个直观的了解,电池损耗严重就推荐换电池或手机,你想看你的爱机的电池寿命吗,那就下载Battery Life体验吧! 软件介绍 自2014年以来,数百万用户通过下载终极电池分析工具 — “电池寿命”,实现了...
A fresh OS install is a drastic measure to address battery life, but could still be helpful, especially if some corruption is contributing to the issue. Be sure to have a backup of your device and connect to iTunes to perform the reset for the most reliable results. ...