针对现在的iPhone4~6 Retina显示屏,需要制作额外的@2x高分辨率版本。 例如在iPhone3GS中,scale=1,用的图标是50x50pixel(logicalimage.size=50x50point);在iPhone4~6中,scale=2,则需要100×100pixel(logical image.size=50x50point,乘以image.scale=dimensions in pixels),并且命名为icon@2x.png。 如果APP要同时...
例如在iPhone3GS中,scale=1,用的图标是50x50pixel(logicalimage.size=50x50point);在iPhone4~6中,scale=2,则需要100×100pixel(logical image.size=50x50point,乘以image.scale=dimensions in pixels),并且命名为icon@2x.png。 如果APP要同时兼容iPhone3GS~iPhone6,则需要提供icon.png/icon@2x.png两种分辨率的图片。
(Icon)蓝色边框是图形尺寸,比图标尺寸稍小,图形之外的空间用于显示阴影和特殊效果。 (Square Icon)橙色边框是另外一种图形尺寸。两种类型的图形尺寸可以达到统一的视觉权重。 Icon dimensions for high-density (hdpi) screens: Full Asset: 72 x 72 px Icon: 60 x 60 px Square Icon: 56 x 56 px Icon Dim...
iPad: appicon.png: icon dimensions (57 x 57) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72x72 pixels...”这个问题的解决办法如下: Technical Q&A QA1686 App Icons on iPad and iPhone Q: How are the icon files in my application bundle used on iPad and iPhone? A: Below a...
Icon dimensions (iOS 7 and later) Icon dimensions (iOS 6.1 and earlier) Create different sizes of the app icon for different devices. If you’re creating a universal app, you need to supply app icons in all four sizes. For iPhone and iPod touch, both of these sizes are required: ...
例如在iPhone3GS中,scale=1,用的图标是50x50pixel(logicalimage.size=50x50point);在iPhone4~6中,scale=2,则需要100×100pixel(logical image.size=50x50point,乘以image.scale=dimensions in pixels),并且命名为icon@2x.png。 如果APP要同时兼容iPhone3GS~iPhone6,则需要提供icon.png/icon@2x.png两种分辨率的图...
例如在iPhone3GS中,scale=1,用的图标是50x50pixel(logicalimage.size=50x50point);在iPhone4~6中,scale=2,则需要100×100pixel(logical image.size=50x50point,乘以image.scale=dimensions in pixels),并且命名为icon@2x.png。 如果APP要同时兼容iPhone3GS~iPhone6,则需要提供icon.png/icon@2x.png两种分辨率的图...
If the initial orientation of your application is landscape, use the same dimensions that a portrait application uses: 320 pixels wide by 480 pixels high. However, rotate the artwork 90° counter-clockwise in the PNG file. The left side of the PNG art corresponds to the top of the iPhone ...
你不必这么复杂。如果您正在使用XCode 5(我相信我们大多数人都使用XCode 5),那么创建您的图标,将它们命名为您喜欢的任何名称。 MyIcon-58.png MyIcon-57 png myIcon-72 png myIcon-80.png 我的. 并将其拖放到AppIcon下的正确框中。看截图。您不必手动编辑plist文件。 反对 回复 2019-07-19 2...
tabBarIcon-Tab的icon组件,可以根据{focused:boolean, tintColor: string}方法来返回一个icon组件; tabBarLabel-Tab中显示的标题字符串或者组件,也可以根据{ focused: boolean, tintColor: string };方法返回一个组件; 代码示例: Mine: { screen: MineScene, ...