一、Screen Size iPhoneX的屏幕尺寸为 375pt × 812pt @3x,像素为 1125px × 2436px。可以通过判断屏幕的高度来判断设备是否是 iPhoneX,可以在全局宏定义中添加判断设备的宏定义(横竖屏通用): #define IS_IPHONE_X (( fabs((double)[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height - (double)812) < DBL_EPS...
借助“屏幕使用时间”,你可以打开“内容与隐私限制”,以管理孩子设备上的内容、App 和设置。你还可以限制儿童不宜内容、购买项目和下载项目,以及对隐私设置的更改。 通过Apple 的家长控制这些重要工具,家长可以选择让孩子以什么样的方式和频率来使用设备。家长控制直接内建在每台 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 中。
On this screen, tap onText Size. In the Text Size screen that appears, you’ll see a slider at the bottom that lets you adjust the size of text across the system as well as apps installed on your iPhone. To increase the text size, drag the slider towards the right until you achieve...
adjust screen brightness • edit display appearance • turn night shift on or off • edit auto-lock settings • change text size access display settings 1. from the home screen, select the settings app . 2. scroll to and select display & brightness . adjust...
Change Text Size on iPhone iPhone screens have gotten bigger reaching up to 6.7″ which brings a lot of screen real estate, but it can also make it harder to read the text for some people at its default size. Thankfully, Apple has added an inbuilt option to adjust the text size to fi...
2)Open the app whose text size you want to change. 3)With the app on the screen, openControl Center. 4)Touch and hold theText Size buttonto have it take the entire screen. 5)Tapapp nameOnlyinstead of All Apps. Now,drag the sliderto adjust the text size for just this app. ...
if(@available(iOS11.0,*)){self.tableView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior=UIScrollViewContentInsetAdjustmentNever;}else{self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets=NO;} 2.如果要拿出状态栏的高度可以使用一个宏 // 屏幕宽高#definekScreenW [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width#definekScreenH [UIScreen mainScr...
see screenshoot, I circled some text that is stubbornly too small. 3 years ago 1075 1 Adjust Font size on iPhone Well automatically my display size and font changed automatically I don’t know how but this is like a little bit zoomed. Does anyone know how to get back the default ...
Settings>Accessibility>Display & Text Size>Scroll down and disabled Auto-Brightness However, what if iPhone screen keeps dimming with auto brightness off? Actually, iPhone screen dimming can be caused by other settings or overheat. Here you can try to turn off the features leading to your low ...
Method 1. Adjust Screen Brightness/Use Auto-Brightness Adjust your screen brightness to a comfortable level and enable auto-brightness, allowing your iPhone to adapt to ambient lighting conditions. This reduces the risk of burn-ins, especially in high-contrast settings. ...