AdBlock is one of the most popular ad blockers worldwide with more than 60 million users on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge as well as Android. Use AdBlock to block all ads and pop ups. AdBlock can also be used to help protect your privacy by blocking trac
I use the same ad blocker on my Mac. They don’t ask for weird permissions, and it works like a charm so I figured to use it on my phone as well. Really it’s a fantastic must have on both platforms. I have yet to see any ads slip past if I don’t want to see them. ...
I use the same ad blocker on my Mac. They don’t ask for weird permissions, and it works like a charm so I figured to use it on my phone as well. Really it’s a fantastic must have on both platforms. I have yet to see any ads slip past if I don’t want to see them. ...
AdBlocker for Safari in iPhone and iPad also automatically updates its lists to protect you from not just the latest ads but more. Other ad blockers update their blocking list once or twice in a week at the most. It does not run in the background and works only when you use Safari. ...
AdBlocker for Safari in iPhone and iPad also automatically updates its lists to protect you from not just the latest ads but more. Other ad blockers update their blocking list once or twice in a week at the most. It does not run in the background and works only when you use Safari. ...
I use the same ad blocker on my Mac. They don’t ask for weird permissions, and it works like a charm so I figured to use it on my phone as well. Really it’s a fantastic must have on both platforms. I have yet to see any ads slip past if I don’t want to see them. jm...
在Cydia中添加BigBoss源或威锋源;搜索“AdBlocker”并下载安装;打开“设置”,找到“AdBlocker”,点击进入;打开第一个开关“Enabled”;点击进入“AdBlocker List”,勾选“General And English”和“Chinese”,并点击右上角“Apply & Update”,将会自动下载拦截相应广告所需的文件;待文件下载完毕后...
内容拦截器:Safari配合插件可以很好地拦截广告,使页面变得比较干净。在APP Store安装adblocker pro for safari插件,在「设置」>「Safari浏览器」>「内容拦截器」中勾选全部的拦截功能。无广告畅享网上冲浪🏄🏻 网页截长图:在APP Store下载Awesome Screenshot就可以实现截长图。具体操作:「分享」>「Screenshot」>「...
一、弹出式广告:轻点设置-Safari-阻止弹出式窗口,开启开关即可生效;二、网页内嵌式广告:如果您已升级至iOS9及更高版本,在App Store中输入“广告拦截”关键字搜索,选择第三方厂商提供的拦截应用安装,完成后轻点设置-Safari-内容拦截器,开启已下载拦截应用的功能开关即可。
1Blocker lets you block ads, trackers, and other unwanted web content. It's easy to use and doesn’t slow down Safari. 1Blocker comes with over 120,000 built-in blocker rules. It is very configurable and all your settings are synced over iCloud.