“查找”包含激活锁功能,如果你的 iPhone 或 iPad 丢失或失窃,这项功能可防止他人使用相应设备。当你在设备上打开“查找”时,激活锁会自动打开。 激活锁可以协助你确保设备安全,即使设备落入他人之手也能安然无虞,而且可以提高你找回设备的几率。即使你远程抹掉设备,激活锁仍可以继续阻止他人在未经你允许的情况下重...
1 Activation Lock 功能是在 Find My iPhone 基础上进行了升级, Find My iPhone只是可以找到这个手机位置,但是别人一样可以正常使用iphone.如果打开Activation Lock,当你的手机丢失之后,你可以在苹果 icloud网站上启用该功能,下次小偷解锁的时候就需要输入apple 帐号 密码才能解锁。2 首先检...
If you aren't the person who originally owned the device, you cannot remove Activation Lock. The link at the top of this page, which brought you here is the right link to help you. If you bought a used iPhone, don't know the Apple ID or Password, nor can you reach the original ...
May 27, 2021 7:18 AM in response to Ste111 Ask the seller to remove the lock or give you a refund. It's an anti-theft measure. (198818) Reply of 1 iPhone7 Activation lock help?Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. ...
1、当你的iPhone手机丢失之后,首先在第一时间登陆苹果icloud官方网站,输入apple帐号密码登陆,点击查找iPhone。2、进入后,icloud会根据手机的定位信息进行搜索,找到iPhone手机位置,点击绿色圆点,选择丢失模式。3、然后输入 用于联系备用电话号码,输入给丢失的iPhone发的信息,然后点击完成即可。注意下方, ...
在使用 iPhone 或 iPad 之前,必须先禁用激活锁。 以下是删除激活锁和停用“查找我的 iPhone”安全功能的简单指南。 苹果iOS 操作系统有一项名为“激活锁”的功能,旨在防止 iPhone 和 iPad 等 iOS 设备被盗。 该功能可防止任何人在未经机主明确许可的情况下删除和还原 iPhone 或 iPad。 由于苹果在 iOS 上锁定系...
If the Activation Lock is enabled, you’ll need to enter your Apple ID and password to initiate the restoration process. If you’ve been using iCloud, the majority of your data should be restored without issue. Be Cautious of Alternative Solutions ...
2. Can I remove the activation lock by erasing data? To erase the device, you should have the password if it has the activation lock. So technically, you can't remove the activation lock by simply erasing your device. 3. Can Apple support help me to remove the activation lock?
要开启Activation Lock,请按照以下步骤操作:进入设置 - iCloud - 启用查找我的iPhone。启用后,激活锁定会阻止以下操作,除非提供正确的Apple ID和密码:关闭查找我的iPhone注销iCloud账户设备擦除并重新激活务必妥善保管你的Apple ID和密码,确保其安全,以防止设备落入他人之手。如果要转让或出售设备,...
Part 1. How to Bypass Activation Lock Without Password Part 2. How to Bypass Activation Lock with Password The Bottom Line Gorilla Updated on Oct 10, 2024 2076 Views | 4 min read According to Apple, "Activation Lock is a feature designed to help you keep your device secure, even if...