例如在iPhone3GS中,scale=1,用的图标是50x50pixel(logicalimage.size=50x50point);在iPhone4~6中,scale=2,则需要100×100pixel(logical image.size=50x50point,乘以image.scale=dimensions in pixels),并且命名为icon@2x.png。 如果APP要同时兼容iPhone3GS~iPhone6,则需要提供icon.png/icon@2x.png两种分辨率的图片。
iPhone 16/16 Plus/16 Pro/16 Pro Max2.179 : 20 从以上的信息可以看出开发中用来判断是不是刘海屏的方法: BOOL is_bangs_phone=((UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.height/UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.width)>2) 4人点赞 日记本 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP ...
#define SCREEN_WIDTH MIN([UIScreenmainScreen].bounds.size.width, [UIScreenmainScreen].bounds.size.height) #define SCREEN_HEIGHT MAX([UIScreenmainScreen].bounds.size.height, [UIScreenmainScreen].bounds.size.width) #define STATUSBAR_HEIGHT MIN([UIApplicationsharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size.width,...
如下图,iPhone 8 在竖屏时的 Size Class 是「compact width,regular height」,在横屏时是「compact width,compact height」;iPhone 8 Plus 在竖屏时是「compact width,regular height」,在横屏时是「regular width,compact height」,与 iPhone 8 并不相同,因为 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕尺寸更大。 不同屏幕尺寸、...
不同Size Class(下一部分会讲到); 旋转设备改变使用方向; iPad 上进入或退出 Slide Over、Split View 模式; 来电和录音时状态栏变高。 内部变化: App 自身改变导致的内容变化; App 支持国际化; App 支持「Dynamic Type 动态类型」。 想要了解更多可参考 Apple 提供给开发者的「Auto Layout Guide」。
魅族Note9 6.2英寸2244*1080 px 魅族16T 6.5英寸2232*1080 px 魅族X8 6.2英寸2220*1080 px 魅族16 X 6.0英寸2160*1080 px 华为Mate30 6.62英寸2340×1080 px 华为P40 Pro 6.58英寸2640×1200 px 华为P30 6.1英寸FHD+ 2340*1080 华为nova 6 6.57英寸2400x1080 px ...
按照苹果“Pro First”的原则,iPhone16系列的屏幕尺寸调整仅限“尊贵”的iPhone16Pro系列,iPhone 16和16 Plus这两款标准版机型,屏幕尺寸维持不变,还是6.1英寸和6.7英寸,所以iPhone16系列的四款机型,每一款的屏幕尺寸都不同,差异化一下子就出来了。 苹果对于iPhone屏幕尺寸的提升向来比较保守,2014年是一个里程碑式的...
早期的iPhone3GS的屏幕分辨率是320*480(PPI=163),iOS绘制图形(CGPoint/CGSize/CGRect)均以point为单位(measured in points): 1 point = 1 pixel(Point Per Inch=Pixel Per Inch=PPI) 后来在iPhone4中,同样大小(3.5 inch)的屏幕采用了Retina显示技术,横、纵向方向像素密度都被放大到2倍,像素分辨率提高到(320...
The iPhone 16 offers a thinner, slightly lighter form factor than its predecessor, the iPhone 15, whether you opt for the standard size or Plus. When I reviewed the model at launch, I was very impressed by how the curved edges gave me a confident grip without digging deeply into my palm...
So, iPhones that have large physical sizes may have small display sizes like iPhone 6 Plus. Vice versa, those who have small physical sizes can also own large display sizes such as the iPhone X, which is the first generation of iPhones that adopt full screen. Related articles [9 Ways] ...