现在官网已经有提交索赔的页面啦! 官网:smartphoneperformancesettlement.ca/en/claim 如何知道是否符合资格? 截至2023年6月15日,您必须是加拿大居民(魁北克省除外),并且在2017年12月21日之前拥有或拥有运行iOS 10.2.1或更高版本的iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, SE, 7和/或7 Plus设备。 对于居住在魁北克省...
Didn’t receive any information as far as numbers about filing a claim however, I will qualify for the settlement (1) Reply User profile for user: OxymoronK OxymoronK User level: Level 1 8 points Jun 3, 2024 9:35 AM in response to krististcop Anyone figure this out? The administ...
https://www.smartphoneperformancesettlement.ca/en/claim ——我是广告—— 寻找序列号 1、在Settings --> General --> About找到 2、在原包装盒or发票上可能有 3、如果你一直使用同一个苹果ID,登入你的iCloud可以看到以往的手机记录以及序列号 Ref: https://dailyhive.com/canada/deadline-canadian-apple-i...
3. 拥有运行iOS 11.2及以上的iPhone 7 or 7 Plus 4. 在2017年12月21日之前下载安装上述iOS系统 根据集体诉讼网站,提交索赔的截止日期是2024年9月2日。 受影响的客户可以在网上填写索赔表: https://www.smartphoneperformancesettlement.ca/...
Anyone that owned an iPhone 7 or 7 plus is entitled to the settlement issuing between $50-$350. We just need to know where to file the claim by June 3rd. If you are not a United States resident, you are not entitled to a payout from this settlement. If your iPhone 7 or 7 Plus...
Under the proposed settlement, Apple will provide a cash payment of approximately $25 to each eligible iPhone owner who submits a claim, with its total payout to fall between $310 million and $500 million. The exact amount that each iPhone owner receives could vary slightly based on the num...
[1] NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.324854/gov.uscourts.cand.324854.415.0.pdf [2] Claim Form https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.324854/gov.uscourts.cand.324854.416.1.pdf...
scammers are at large, but all Jiang's movements are monitored around the clock usingGPS. The date for the consideration of their case in court has not yet been set, and the students themselves claim that they did not know that the smartphones they imported into the United States were fak...
litigation: 诉讼, the process of making or defending a claim in courtaccuse: 控告, 控诉, to say that sb has done sth wrong or is guilty of sth. She accused me of stealing her wallet. 她指责我偷了她的钱包launch: 发射,发行,上市 Huawei will launch it’s newest flagship smartphone in Mar...
iOS 11.3 introduced more detailed information about battery health, letting customers know if the state of their battery is impacting processor performance. The update also allows the power management feature to be turned off. Initially, the iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus, and fir...