IT之家9月22日消息 在苹果iOS11发布之后,多款支持ARKit应用火速上架App Store,其中一款格外值得关注,因为其功能非常实用,能够让你的iPhone秒变直尺来测量长度,并一度冲到了免费排行榜第二名。 这款名为“我的AR尺子与手电”的应用如同其名称,内置手电与直尺等功能,除了当做正常的量角器、水平仪、手电筒功能外,...
第三方开发者也可以使用TrueDepth相机系统,与iPhone X-only ARKit脸部追踪模式集成。这个API是对使用iOS 11 的ARKit框架的补充,它使用TrueDepth相机为开发人员提供脸部网格 - 有效地实时追踪脸部肌肉运动的地图,与其他类似技术相比具有更高的性能和准确性之前的iPhone X.MeasureKit的最新更新是这项技术的一个令人印象深...
The iPhone 16 and the iPhone 16e both measure in at 6.1 inches, and they are the smallest iPhones that Apple makes. They won't work for one-handed use for everyone, but they are a better option than the 16 Plus and 16 Pro Max. Which iPhone is the Best Value? With Apple Intelligen...
ARKit 2也是在活动期间推出的,它使开发人员能够访问令人敬畏的新AR工具,例如让多个设备从不同的角度看到AR中相同的3D虚拟对象。Apple还发布了一款名为Measure的新应用程序,它允许您在增强现实中测量物体和距离。相片 在照片应用中搜索获得iOS 12中的重大更新。搜索建议在您开始输入之前突出显示重要事项,Apple的智能...
苹果在iOS 12中还增强了ARKit。其中Measure就是iOS 12中新增的App,现在用户可以使用Measure来测量物体的在三维环境下的长宽高。经过实测,Measure还是存在一定的测量误差,所以这一功能还是以娱乐为主。不过配合苹果的Taptic Engine的独特震感,App的使用体验还是非常不错的。Measure 由于小编的备用机是iPhone 8 Plus,...
In simple terms, it is a measure that describes the sharpness and clarity of an image. The better the resolution, the more detailed the image will be. The standard display resolution sizes include: Different types of screen display resolutions Type Resolution (in pixels) High Definition (HD) ...
选中按钮button进行 measure size,其宽高为144px*60px。横纵标注重叠影响视觉,将纵向参考线右移至合适位置。 button在frame中纵向整体居中,因此上下边距计算均摊即可,无需再给定标注。 (3)文件信息 对thumbnail和detail(title、source等宽且左对齐)进行 Measure spacing,丈量图标右侧相对detail的间距为20px;对button和...
❌ You want a VPN for torrenting: Surfshark doesn't quite measure up to the likes of ExpressVPN when it comes to support for torrenting. ❌ You want a customizable VPN: Surfshark is great in a lot of areas, but it doesn't offer the customization options that other VPNs like PIA ...
MyHeartCounts: Personalized tool that can help you measure daily activity, fitness, & cardiovascular risk App Store Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 2015 objc ☆65 Share The Journey: Breast cancer study 2016 objc ☆77 ...