日前有 Youtube UP主上传了一个老电池降频 iPhone 6s 和另一台通过官换电池的 iPhone 6s 运行速度对比的视频。视频里通过对运行各类 App 进行时间统计,结果发现未换电池的 iPhone 6s 需要 5 分钟 43 秒完成,而更换过电池的 iPhone 6s 则仅需 4 分钟 33 秒。另外 Geekbench 的跑分显示,未更换电池的 iPhone ...
I looked online however and it says that the IPhone 6s battery should last up to and around 8-10 hours but at my regular work day I will need to fully charge my phone twice and that’s with minimal usage only using it for Spotify Music and on my breaks I watch YouTube. I have se...
【YouTube土豪】将 iPhone SE冻成冰块后从100英尺扔下【生肉】 4338 23 1:45 App 【科客分享】任性网友用切割机DIY设计出最牛iPhone 6s 4386 195 11:35 App 【YouTube壕】将三星Galaxy S7放入牛奶与红牛的混合液冰冻8小时,还能存活吗【生肉】 1947 -- 2:27 App 【米赛尔自动化】铝板切割机开料机 金属雕...
My favorite things I would love more battery to do are if there is a big TV with Apple TV on it I finally got to use that watching apple tv shows and using screen cast to play emulator games and airplay to play music through spotify and youtube music, it really is great for interac...
开发者 Brandon Butch 测试了 iOS 14 的不少新功能,包括 Widgets、App Clips、画中画、App Library,也测试了更新后的 Safari浏览器。实测发现,iPhone 6s 不能用 YouTube App 来使用画中画功能,只能透过 Safari 开启 YouTube 影片才能支援画中画;但除此之外,所有的功能运行起来都很流畅 ...
ilotasw 初级果粉 1 考虑入个6s,问下国行6s 能用YouTube等软件吗?问下国行6s 能用YouTube等软件吗?不越狱哦 ilotasw 初级果粉 1 安卓国行就不行,都按装不了playstotore...登录百度账号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通...
But why risk it if someone doesn't have experience regardless of a YouTube video? For $29, let Apple do it. It not would be worth having something go wrong and then Apple not have acknowledge the battery replacement because of something that somebody might h...
If you have a damaged iPhone 6 Plus that qualifies for a whole-device replacement, Apple may replace it with an iPhone 6s Plus through March,...
It has been observed that due to malware or bad update, the iPhone gets stuck in the boot loop. The Apple logo would flash on the screen and instead of booting it, the device will be restarted again. This will keep on repeating time after time to form theiPhone boot loop. If you are...
All the iPhone/iPhone 3G/iPhone 4G/iPhone 4GS/iPhone5/ the latest iPhone6 or iPhone6S have the same standard ringtones. In the beginning, everyone enjoys it, but the limited built-in ringtones give very little chance to the users to change their ringtones. To make your iPhone ...