and we're expecting those same screen sizes. The iPhone 17 Pro will measure in at 6.3 inches, while the iPhone 17 Pro will measure in at 6.9 inches. Overall size isn't going to change, but rumors suggest we could seesome "significant" design updates, specifically to the rear of the de...
据macrumors报道, iPhone 17 Pro 和 iPhone 17 Pro Max 预计要到 9 月才会推出,但有关这两款设备的传言已经很多。截至 2025 年 3 月传闻的 iPhone 17 Pro 机型的主要变化:铝制框架:据传 iPhone 17 Pro 机型将采用铝制框架,而 iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 16 Pro 机型采用钛制框架,iPhone X 至 iPhone 14...
据了解,iPhone 17 全系机型都将转向铝金属材质打造,并抛弃不锈钢和钛金属。其中,Pro 系列机型的机身背部也将采用铝制 + 玻璃方案,后摄模组同样配备铝金属材质。而为了保证设备的无线充电性能,苹果应该也会这一设计改变提供相应的解决方案。图片来源:macrumors 同时,iPhone 17 Pro 系列的后摄也将更加突出,意味...
Apple在明年才会推出iPhone 17系列,距离正式发布有约十个月的时间,但市场上已经充斥着关于这款新手机的各种传闻。但来自外媒MacRumors报道,iPhone 17 Pro预计将有8项显著的变化。iPhone 17 Pro Max可能会有一个独特的设计变化,机身正面的动态岛将会缩得更加细小。据报新机型将搭载Apple新研发的Metalens技术,使得...
While the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max are not expected to launch for 10 more months, there are already plenty of rumors about the devices. ...
【环球网科技综合报道】12月1日消息,根据科技媒体Macrumors的最新报道,预计于2025年面世的Apple iPhone 17将带来多达八项重大变革,这些创新不仅将重新定义智能手机的性能与外观,还将为消费者带来前所未有的使用体验。苹果官网 首先,iPhone 17 Pro系列将首次采用铝制外壳,这一变化与iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 16 ...
Most rumors about iphone 17 circle around it's look, that doesn't sound good, seems like they gonna recycle old camera sensors for the 4th time. Reply Galaxy S 24 Ultra 7k3 03 Dec 2024 Harpoon, 03 Dec 2024I don't care if it's titanium steel or aluminum, ... moreI will move ...
So at this point it's still rather unclear what will really happen, and that's not surprising considering how far away we still are from the launch of the iPhone 17 Pro and Pro Max. Is the material choice for the frame important to you? And if you use a case non-stop anyway, does...
【环球网科技综合报道】12月1日消息,根据科技媒体Macrumors的最新报道,预计于2025年面世的Apple iPhone 17将带来多达八项重大变革,这些创新不仅将重新定义智能手机的性能与外观,还将为消费者带来前所未有的使用体验。苹果官网 首先,iPhone 17 Pro系列将首次采用铝制外壳,这一变化与iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 16 ...
if it means better and more vibrant colors for the Pro models, I welcome (back) our aluminum overlords.Prev 1 … 5 6 7 You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Email Link Register on MacRumors! This sidebar will go away, a...