Screen Dimensions Apple iPhone 15 screen size is6.1 inchwith ~ 86.4% body ratio of actual device size. Physical dimensions for Apple iPhone 15 device is 5.81 x 2.82 x 0.31 INCH or ( 147.6 x 71.6 x 7.8 MM). Displaying of Units are in this order "Height x Width x Thickness" ...
iPhone 14 Pro Max / 15 Plus / 15 Pro Max / 16 Plus6.7430 x 932@3x1290 x 2796460= iPhone 16 Pro Max6.9440 x 956@3x1320 x 2868460= 2. Apple 相关规范 Apple Device Screen Sizes App icons AppStore审核之App预览规范 AppStore审核之App截屏规范 ...
px <Pixel> --- 代表像素,是屏幕上能显示的最小单位,在分辨率高的屏幕上,一个像素可能会达到我们肉眼无法识别的大小。 点击查看:iPhone ~ iPhone16 设备屏幕尺寸信息(持续更新中) iPhone设备屏幕尺寸信息 PS:Apple Device Screen Sizes、AppStore审核之App预览规范、AppStore审核之App截屏规范、iPhone 机型比较(各种...
The camera has also been upgraded from the Pro drawer. The iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus now offers a 48 MP shooter as the main camera and a lossless 2x zoom for the 12 MP image resolution. This is a welcome upgrade, as the standard iPhones were comparatively weak in their price range,...
我把这段代码放在我的应用程序中:CGFloat screenWidth = screenRect.size.widthscreenRect.size.height;NSLog(@"screenHeight : %f", screenHeight); 我用iPhone3.5但是,当我更改模拟器的设备,选择4英寸时,它 浏览18提问于2014-08-16得票数 0 回答已采纳 ...
Id: 0, isLastVideo: false, isPlaying: false, }); const [loadedData, setLoadedData] = useState([]); const { isEnd, isLastVideo, startPlay, videoId, isPlaying } = video; useGSAP(() => { // slider animation to move the video out of the screen and bring the next video in gsap...
一、Screen Size iPhoneX的屏幕尺寸为 375pt × 812pt @3x,像素为 1125px × 2436px。可以通过判断屏幕的高度来判断设备是否是 iPhoneX,可以在全局宏定义中添加判断设备的宏定义(横竖屏通用): #define IS_IPHONE_X (( fabs((double)[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height - (double)812) < DBL_EPS...
我把这段代码放在我的应用程序中:CGFloat screenWidth = screenRect.size.widthscreenRect.size.height;NSLog(@"screenHeight : %f", screenHeight); 我用iPhone3.5但是,当我更改模拟器的设备,选择4英寸时,它 浏览18提问于2014-08-16得票数 0 回答已采纳 ...