Compara especificaciones, funcionalidades y fechas de entrega para el Samsung Galaxy S23 FE de 128 GB, grafito y el Apple iPhone 15 Pro - 128 GB, titanio natural en AT&T
iPhone 14 Pro Max存在很大的人体工程学问题,而 Galaxy S23 Ultra 与之相比使用起来更加舒适。苹果表示,它改进了新款 iPhone 的人体工程学设计,边缘略微弯曲。另外,减轻的重量可能会带来更好的手感。Galaxy S23 Ultra 提供指纹传感器进行身份验证,而 iPhone 15 Pro Max 则提供 Face ID。iPhone 15 Pro Max ... 购买三星 S23Ultra: 科技 数码 拍照 SAMSUNG 手机测评 手机 iPhone 15 Pro Max S23U 安卓手机 三星手机 iPhone油管科技TV 发消息 第一时间搬运世界各地各种科技类开箱和测评视频!合作邮箱
S23确实很不错,手感和质感都没得说。但是整体表现充其量和iPhone 14掰掰手腕,部分特性可以和iPhone 14... Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra vs. Galaxy S23 Ultra vs. iPhone 15 Pro Max (Premium Phones Compared) 来源:CNET 三星 Galaxy S24 Ultra 来了。 它与去年的 S23 Ultra 相比如何? 还是苹果的高端 iPhone 15 Pro Max? 0:00 介绍 0:42 定价 1:06 性能 2:08 操作系统 ...
三星SAMSUNG Galaxy S23 8GB+256GB 悠远黑 5G手机 ¥4199.00¥4199.00 去购买 废话不多说了,总结下来,苹果iPhone 15 Pro Max和三星Galaxy S23 5G手机各有千秋。苹果以其独特的3D深感拍照特点和支持无线充电等亮点吸引,而三星则在拍照特点的广泛选择和某些神秘参数上一鸣惊人。所以说,你是想要炫酷还是全能,完...
The iPhone 15 Pro Max image is warmer, and renders my friend's skin tones a bit more realistically. Particularly if we zoom into the person in the foreground's face, the texture of his skin just looks a bit more "real" than Samsung's shot. You'll also notice the lights are better ...
Hi, I hope it's allowed to share some link with the test. Samsung, despite being about 7 months older, is pretty tough competition to Apple, if we're
As these go, this might be the best around, featuring the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra against the Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max. Both phones's rear and front glass cracked on the first drop, but while the Galaxy S23 Ultra kept accumulating small amounts of damage, the iPhone 15 Pro Max got ...
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max Black Titanium White Titanium Blue Titanium Natural Titanium Review Specifications Read opinions Pictures 256GB 8GB RAM $ 684.95All prices 159.9mm x 76.7mm x 8.3mm (6.30" x 3.02" x 0.33") Compare with Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra ...