即日起至 1 月 15 日,换购新 iPad Pro 享额外折抵优惠*。 换购、升级、省一笔,一举三得。 通过Apple Trade In 换购计划,你可以用手里的设备折抵换新,享受超值优惠。而且,这一切全能在线上或 Apple Store 零售店轻松搞定。如果你的设备不符合折抵条件,我们也会免费将其回收处理。这...
APPLE TRADE IN 换购计划 用iPhone 12 或后续机型来换购 iPhone 16 或 iPhone 16 Pro,预计可享 RMB 1000–RMB 6100 的折抵优惠1。 IPHONE 年年焕新计划 新机年年换,超值更随心。 - (在新窗口中打开) 从Apple 入手指定新款 iPhone 时加购 AppleCare+ 服务计划,且符合相应条件,购机后 3 至 15 ...
iPhone 15推出後,不少都人都心郁郁想換機!其實,有方法可以低成本換機,就是用Apple Trade In舊機換新機,抵銷部份買電話成本,只需繳付餘下款項便可獲得新機。Apple Trade In是Apple推出的舊機回收計劃,可以將合電子產品換購,享有以舊換新優惠或換取Apple Store禮品卡。iPhone 14 Pro Max高達HK$6,300 Trade In價...
Getting the t-mobile trade in deal through Apple.com. Do you know if I can do the trade in at an Apple Store instead of using the mail in kit? OceanMindedBoy macrumors regular Jun 16, 2011 249 197 Orange County, CA Sep 21, 2023 #461 My iPhone made its...
Ordered from Apple on Monday says preparing to ship and will have Friday. Went from a 13 pro to a 15……. Didn’t think 15 pro was worth it since wife has...
iPhone 16 Pro iPhone 的巅峰之作RMB 333/月(0% 费率 24 个月分期)起或RMB 7999起 Apple Watch Series 10 薄爆表RMB 2999起 iPad mini 单手炫大招RMB 3999起 MacBook Pro 强势动力来自 M4RMB 12,999起 iPhone 16 实打实的实力RMB 250/月(0% 费率 24 个月分期)起或RMB 5999起 ...
去苹果直营店把iPhone 13Pro抵价折扣入手了iPhone15Pro ,没想到用了2年零3个月,电池只剩下77%的iPhone13Pro居然还能抵扣4000元,感觉还挺值的。iPhone15Pro更轻了,屏幕黑边更窄了,握感更舒服了,摄像头更强了,终于更换成C口了。 拿到手机首先跑了一下分,用的geekbench6单核2900分,多核7200分。相比iPhone13...
The iPhone 15, when paired with a Go5G Plus rate plan, is available from $0.00/month over a span of 24 months after trade-in. The total cost of the iPhone 15 after the instant trade-in credit is applied (excluding T-Mobile bill credits) is $614.00. Up to the first two monthly ...
1Guarantee limited to iPhone 15 series trade-in promos (up to $830 off with min. $130 trade-in value; up to $1000 off iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max with min. $230 trade-in value) for new and existing consumer postpaid wireless customers; excludes offers available through select channels. Offers...
I would like to inquire about the options available for trading in my iPhone 15 Pro Max, Natural Titanium, 512GB, for the newly released iPhone 16 Pro Max, Titanium Gold, 1TB. As I am located in Pakistan, I would appreciate it if you could provide the relevant trade-in options and ...