如果下载时间超过 15 分钟,并且设备退出恢复模式屏幕,请等待下载完成,然后将 iPad 关机并重新开始。 在PC 上 打开“Apple 设备”,在边栏中选择你的 iPhone。如有必要,在 PC 上选择“信任 [你的设备]”。然后,选择“通用”。如果你拥有备份,请选择“恢复备份”,然后按照屏幕上的说明操作。如果你没有备份,请选...
In recovery mode, iPhone loads the bootloader, iBoot, instead of the operation system iOS so that you can restore or upgrade the iOS software to the most recent official version. Generally, recovery mode won’t allow you to downgrade the firmware. However, there is an exception: when a new...
在电脑上找到你的设备。当看到“更新”或“恢复”选项时,请选取“更新”。请等待电脑为你的设备下载软件。如果下载耗时超过 15 分钟,并且设备退出“连接到电脑”屏幕,请等待下载完成,然后重复第 3 步。 当“更新”或“恢复”完成后,请设置你的设备。你在尝试这一步时有没有收到错误代码或提醒?
iPhone 15 Pro is stuck in recovery mode and when I try to restore it I get the error code "The iPhone "iPhone" could not he restored because the firmware file was corrupt" The title says most of it but here is one more thing: I have tried Windows and Mac ...
對於iPhone 用戶來說,升級到最新的 iOS 18/17/16/15 後 iPhone 無法退出恢復模式(復原模式)是個常見問題。有幾種方法可以解決 iPhone 恢復模式失敗的問題,幫助你從 iPhone Recovery Mode 解除。 方法1:一鍵免費修復 iPhone 恢復模式/復原模式卡住【無數據丟失】 ...
Note: If you have a passcode, you will be prompted to enter yourpasscodeto complete the reset. If you can't update or restore your iPhone with the steps above, for instructions on how to put your device in recovery mode and set it up again,click here....
Step 3: You will see the option to Restore or Update. Choose Update. iTunes will reinstall iOS without erasing your data. If your iPhone is stuck in Recovery Mode for more than 15 minutes and your device exits iPhone Recovery Mode, then, there may be a problem. Retry the process, but...
近日,苹果为iPhone 16/Pro系列引入了全新的RecoveryOS系统。这一创新功能使得用户在遇到设备固件问题时,能够轻松借助其他iPhone进行无线恢复,极大地提升了用户体验和设备的自主修复能力。 RecoveryOS最初是在iOS 15.4和watchOS 8.5中为Apple Watch设计的,旨在通过无线方式实现设备的恢复和重置。这一系统的成功应用,为Apple...
To manually put your iPhone 15/16 or iPhone 14 Pro recovery mode, follow these steps: 1. Press and quickly release the Volume Up button on your iPhone 15/16. 2. Immediately press and quickly release the Volume Down button. 3. Finally, press and hold the Side button until you see the...
苹果iPhone 16/Pro系列被曝配RecoveryOS:设备故障可借助其他iPhone无线恢复 快科技9月18日消息,据媒体报道,苹果在最新发布的iOS 15.4与watchOS 8.5版本中,创新性地为Apple Watch集成了RecoveryOS系统,这一重大更新彻底革新了设备固件的无线恢复与重置体验,将为iPhone用户带来前所未有的便捷性。在iOS 18系统中,...