Apple has expanded its iconic iPhones with the new iPhone 16 series. In this article, we find out which 2024 iPhone is right for you. If you want to know whether the Apple iPhone 16 (Plus), iPhone 16 Pro (Max), iPhone 15, or another model is the best fit for you, you've come ...
首批iPhone 16 Pro Max在天猫、京东等电商平台迅速售罄;拼多多平台则打出针对16系列“最高补贴1000元”,目前iPhone16 Pro系列已补贴超过1万台;苹果官网显示,发货时间已到10月10日后。 2、 Mistral首款多模态AI模型发布。法国AI初创公司Mistral 发布Pixtral 12B,是该公司首款能够同时处理图像和文本的多模态AI大语音...
去年在iPhone 4S发布之前数周时间内,运营商便蠢蠢欲动,开始各种准备活动。今年也不例外。欧洲运营商目前也开始为9月12日的新iPhone发布热身,发放预购票单。 据德国媒体iPhone-ticker.de的报道,Deutsche Telekom从今天开始与分销合作商一起提供预订票单,以引起消费者对下一代的iPhone兴趣。预订票单会按照“先到先得...
The new early bird system promises preferred delivery of future smartphone models to customers that sign up with a valid email address and mobile phone number. Deutsche Telekom does not specifically mention the much-rumored "iPhone 6s" or "iPhone 6s Plus" by name, but the reservation service la...
WiFi UAV 文张 95 MAXtv Hrvatski Telekom d.d. 96 LanGue-Fun word guessing Anh Nguyen Viet 97 AirPlay Mirroring Yun Tak Lee 98 Xbox Microsoft Corporation 99 Movies Now! Watch At Home Apps Flickdirect Inc 100 Crunchyroll Crunchyroll, LLC...
我们今天通过德国运营商 Deutsche Telekom 得到消息,iPhone6 将会在 9 月 19 日发布。Deutsche Telekom 还表示,iPhone6 将会抛弃 16GB 版本,也就是 32GB 起。根据一则来自苹果供应链的最新报导,今年苹果将会为 iPhone 6 添加一个高储存的版本,也就是 128GB。不过,128GB 版本只针对 5.5 英寸的型号。
预售开始时,苹果官网一度无法进入购买渠道。“苹果官网崩了”也冲上微博热搜。首批iPhone 16 Pro Max在天猫、京东等电商平台迅速售罄;拼多多平台则打出针对16系列“最高补贴1000元”,目前iPhone16 Pro系列已补贴超过1万台;苹果官网显示,发货时间已到10月10日后。
苹果之所以要等到iPhone 14甚至于iPhone 15才愿意全线采用全球通用的USB-C接口,恐怕不是为了那几亿美元的闪电接口专利,毕竟目前苹果一个财年的净利润高达近千亿美元,这点钱对苹果完全是九牛一毛,更多的还是一种苹果式的升级逻辑:除非竞争对手太强大,否则能不升级的就不升级,刘海屏就是最典型的例子,甚至成为...
It is now possible to use the My Verizon app to activate eSIM service on an iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, or iPhone XR in the United States. The app...
iPhone 15 Pro Max (2023) review Improving on the unimprovable Almost every new Apple product is thinner, faster, and lighter than its predecessor. But I’ve wondered how much further down that path Apple could go with the iPhone without rewriting thelaws of physics. Given that the...