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Iphone 15 Pro Soap Case Urban Sophistication brand:Urban Sophistication (1 点评) 1 0 0 0 0 $45Previous price:$65 颜色: 蓝绿色 已售罄 尺码: 尺码:One Size 电子邮件 描述 人造漆皮 iPhone 15 Pro Max 手机壳. 中国制造. 凸起的边缘可保护屏幕和摄像头. Low-profile form with no stitching. Full...
边框方面爱定族也做了特殊的处理,为了搭配GUCCI老花和钻石,整个边框都做了祥云纹理的雕刻,而且辅以18K玫瑰金的镀金处理,整个边框跟背壳拥有了完美的搭配。上手iPhone 12 Pro Max之后,爱定族对于苹果边框的处理并不太满意,认为边框边缘有点太咯手了。因此他们在直角边缘做了特殊倒角处理,让过渡更加顺滑,持握感觉...
News of our demise has been greatly exaggerated. In our 15th year we are still here. Not many people playing but the server still lives. It has also been given at minimum a few more years of life. We just upgraded the physical hardware to support Windows 11. We are now running on an...
News of our demise has been greatly exaggerated. In our 15th year we are still here. Not many people playing but the server still lives. It has also been given at minimum a few more years of life. We just upgraded the physical hardware to support Windows 11. We are now running on an...
不过这款手机的价格可以说十分感人,iPhone 12 Pro Max的256GB标准版(没钻石)售价27888元,而钻石版高达38888元。这价格确实很高,不过考虑到这并不是消费品,而是奢侈品。毕竟GUCCI的鞋子包包基本都是上万的,这样的价格也是合理的。土豪可以考虑入手,咱们普通人看看就好了。
爱定族作为多年专注高端消费电子产品改装和定制的品牌,用最好的材料、最精湛的工艺致力呈现最美丽的作品。为了保持这份独到与尊贵,这款GUCCI古驰定制版iPhone 12 pro max全球仅定制80台,对于追求限量的名媛富豪来说,既能彰显身份,又特定卓越,尊贵尽显。不知道大家觉得这款手机怎么样呢?欢迎留下你们的精彩意见!
Pro Max or the latest iPhone 15 PRO MAX, this case is designed to fit perfectly, ensuring your device remains safe and stylish. **Versatile Compatibility and Ease of Use** This case is not just for the iPhone 13 Pro Max; it's compatible with a wide range of iPhone models, including ...
这就像是GUCCI生产的手机一样。GUCCI联名iPhone 12 Pro Max 目前,由于网上针对这款手机的介绍并不是很多,除了一些简单的外观图片,没有介绍这款手机的系统方面。另外,不知道这款手机会有没有内置GUCCI定制的专用主题或者壁纸,不过也很有可能是常规操作,品牌方为了凸显品牌,猜测会加入这些主题。