The battery life depends on the age of the iPhone and the what and how long the iPhone was used for. This means that the answer to your question will differ from user to user. You can therefore, compare the battery life of your new iPhone with your old iPhone by using your own iPhone...
So, it would be normal to expect your battery to be in the 93-94% range at this time. You report that it at 96%...better than average for sure. Lucky you. I wish that my battery was doing as well as yours. Reply of 1 Iphone 15 pro max battery dropping issue Welcome to Apple ...
我们乐于提供协助。我们的专家使用正品 Apple 电池 — 这些电池经过精心设计、测试和制造,符合 Apple 的安全性和性能标准。 如何获取 iPhone 电池服务? 预约前往 预约前往 Apple 授权服务提供商处或 Apple Store 商店 获取服务 费用是多少? 如果你直接从 Apple 获取服务,请使用“获取估价”工具查看可能需要支付的费用...
在装有 iOS 18 的 iPhone 15 及更新机型上,正品电池可以在机型相同的另一台 iPhone 中重复使用。重复使用的电池的性能或许不如新的正品 Apple 电池好。对于之前曾在另一台 iPhone 中使用过的正品 Apple 电池部件,你会在“电池”旁边看到“已使用”。
Battery life The Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max is powered by a 4,441mAh battery, a minor increase over the 14 Pro Max cell (about 2-3%). Apple likes to advertise the Plus model as the best one for battery purposes, but the LTPO OLED on the 15 Pro Max coupled with the new 3nm chipset...
Here's info on the battery specs (e.g., Usage Time, Standby Time, etc.) for your iPhone 15 Pro / iPhone 15 Pro Max. For more tips, check out thisApple Support articleon maximizing battery life. iPhone 15 Pro Battery Specifications ...
Appleproduct blogger Majin Bu broke the news on the X platform that the battery capacity of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is 4422mAh, which is about 2% more than the
Get Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max support for the topic: Optimize Battery Life. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on
Yes. Using it. So far the phone shows only two charge cycles, yet I've been using it ~2 weeks. So it is working as intended. 15 Plus has plenty of battery...
iPhone 15 Pro Max - Optimized Battery Charging not kicking in. Thread starter mac_head Start date Oct 3, 2023 Sort by reaction score Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Does your launch day iPhone 15 Pro Max already charge with optimized battery charging pattern? Y...