苹果降频门是有预谋的..苹果降频门是有预谋的自ios10系统以来,所有电池检测软件都被新系统软禁了,比如battery life的充电次数就被阉割了。为啥?苹果公开iPhone设备的使用寿命为三年,其实是在说电池的寿命,但其
Apple iPhone 15 Pro battery life The iPhone 15 Pro is equipped with a battery rated at 3274mAh. A whopping 74mAh more than the 14 Pro's capacity, we'd hardly call it an upgrade - probably that's just what the engineers were able to squeeze in the available space this time around. ...
介绍一个 神级插件 Batterylife该款插件主要目的就是为了帮助顾客节约电量使用可能你也有听过,电池在达到某一个充电次数后,可用的最高电量就会慢慢减少,设备的续航力就会降低,甚至出现「电池死亡」(无法再使用)的情况。又可能是电池温度愈高而令可用时间降低等等(因为温度高,热能流失而不是转化为电能)。那么每一天...
Note: iPhone automatically prompts you to turn on Low Power mode when you have 20% battery life remaining. 2. Scroll to and selectBattery. Select the Low Power Mode switchto place it in the On position. Note: When Low Power mode is on, the Battery icon turns yellow and the battery per...
Simply said (and concluding): Battery life of iPhone 15 Pro Max is the same as iPhone 13 Pro Max. It means Apple did not care at all to make any improvement of battery life within two years. Adding few more pixels on camera etc. is just a fun. But who cares - after all th...
为什么我的batte..回复 帅不明 :我好久没用了,我现在都是用系统自带的,我当时把搜索电池健康前几个都下了碰到一个能用的
This revelation means that it could take longer for the maximum battery capacity of iPhone 15 models to decline to 80% compared to previous iPhone models. However, Apple said it is "investigating" the battery lifespans of older iPhone models, so a comparison based on the latest testing paramet...
The chip is built using the same 3-nanometer technology, and it enables support for ray tracing and console-quality games, a feature that was previously limited to the Pro models. Battery life has improved compared to the prior iPhone 15 models thanks to the new chip technology. There is a...
终于,还是受不了,更..三年机,原电池最低容量50%,2个半小时。刚换的电池高容量2200的battery life 不显示真实容量,换的cpu dasher软件试水ing~刚充满电,看下使用情况。毕竟这大过年期间,耗电受不了!
iPhone 15 Pro (left) next to iPhone 15 Pro Max Battery life has been a strong suit of iPhones for a while and we're seeing little reason why that would change now. We do sense we'll be complaining about the 15 Pro's charging speeds though, as usual. Have a look at this quick ru...