除了颜色上一个沉稳一个活泼,iPhone 15 Pro Max和iPhone 15 Plus的背面玻璃工艺并不一样,iPhone 15 Pro Max跟前代一样偏磨砂,iPhone 15 Plus的融色玻璃会更透一点,手感上比前代的阻尼感更强一点,理论上因为在玻璃里加入了金属离子,耐冲击性也会更大一点。边框左侧的拨动式静音键也是区分iPhone 15 Plus和...
一加 11 和 iPhone 15 Plus 在外观设计上展现出不同的风格和特点。一加 11 正面采用了左上挖孔曲面屏,使屏幕更具曲线美感。背面的大圆形相机模块为手机增添了独特的外观特色,而金属材质的圆弧边框赋予了手机坚固的质感。机身厚度为8.53毫米,重量约205克,显示出一种沉稳和时尚的外观。iPhone 15 Plus 采用了直...
iPhone 15 Plus 配备了6.7英寸的超视网膜XDR显示屏,虽然分辨率较低,为2796x1290像素,但苹果的屏幕技术一直以来都备受赞誉,提供出色的色彩准确性和HDR性能。然而,其刷新率为60Hz,相对于一加 11 的自适应刷新率来说较低,可能在一些情况下会感觉不如前者流畅。 3、相机 一加11 配备了一组出色的相机系统。前置3200万...
2.iPhone 11——经典与耐用的代名词 iPhone 11自发布以来,便深受用户喜爱,特别是其6.1英寸LCD屏幕,...
Upgrading from 11 Pro to standard 15, seems like I won't be missing anything (compared to 11P) and get a better device for a better price :) Score: 7 Votes (Like | Disagree) STC1709 16 months ago for me personally i really dont see the justification to pay $200 more for extra fea...
打开iPhone【设置】-【通用】-【传输或还原iPhone】,然后点击“现在开始”,把iPhone数据上传到临时的iCloud空间后,再按照提示依次操作即可。购入iPhone15后,如果旧iPhone数据较多,建议不要使用“iOS快速迁移”转移整机数据,可能出现卡死在传输数据进度条界面!以上这 6 种新旧iPhone数据快速迁移方法,都可以将旧...
The Dynamic Island that debuted on the iPhone 14 Pro is now present on all iPhone 15 models, giving users a few extra display pixels compared to notched iPhones of the same size, plus the fun of using the adaptive widgets unique to the Island. ...
unless you want to buy adongle, but on the whole you’ll probably find that you gain more than you lose. Just bear in mind that the USB-C port in the 15 Plus is less advanced than the ones in the 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max; it’s capped at 480Mbps data transfer, compared to their...
And the 6.7" Super Retina XDR display² is up to 2x brighter in the sun compared to iPhone 14. 48MP MAIN CAMERA WITH 2X TELEPHOTO — The 48MP Main camera shoots in super high-resolution. So it’s easier than ever to take standout photos with amazing detail. The 2x optical-quality ...