How to re-frame:To use this feature, first go to your settings app, select camera, and turn on "Photo Capture Outside the Frame." Take a photo, and if you see a square-star icon under "edit," you've done the setup right (pat yourself on the back!). You can now take advantage...
确保对焦准确,并尽量避免手抖,可以使用三脚架来提高稳定性。 五、拍照后的管理与分享 (Post-Photo Management and Sharing) 拍摄完成后,如何管理和分享你的照片也是一个重要的环节。 5.1 照片管理 (Photo Management) 使用iCloud可以方便地备份和管理你的照片。通过设置,用户可以将照片自动上传到iCloud,确保不会丢失。
Once the Camera app is open you’ll see a range of controls under the main photo frame: Time-Lapse, Slow-Mo, Video, Photo, Square, and Pano. There are also controls at the top to toggle the flash and HDR modes, set a timer and flip the camera for a selfie. (And if you’re on...
iPhone15等带有Type-C接口的手机设备可以直连播放。它还支持转接HDMI设备以及其它USB-C DP设备的连接,像...
对于旧系统,您必须依赖第三方Live Photo转换器应用程序,例如Lively。 步骤1。 从您的App Store中搜索并下载Lively。 步骤2。 打开应用程序并允许其访问您的照片库。 步骤3。 选择要转换为GIF或视频的实时照片,然后点击屏幕顶部的GIF或电影。 第一个将您的实时照片转换为动画图像,第二个将其转换为视频。
其实iPhone相册的编辑功能里有一个隐藏的小tips! 我们在画笔画圈、画矩形、三角形、五角星这些几何形状的时候,我们只需要在画完之后 继续按住屏幕两秒钟, 我们画的歪七扭八的形状就会形成规整的形状。 Part2:裁剪功能 1. 画面校正 裁剪功能里的校正功能大家平时用的多嘛,左边第一个是旋转角度是大家最常用的吧!拍...
相片大師是一款非常新手友善的去除背景人物 App,不只簡單塗抹就能精準移除選取的物件,系統還會運用 AI 自動填補移除範圍,簡易操作也能達成完美效果。 而且,相片大師的 AI 照片去人物工具不只有「移除工具」,還有貼心的效果前後對比、兩指縮放平移、改變範圍選取的筆刷大小等設計,讓你能更細膩且自然地去掉背景人物! 以下...
Live Photo Long Exposure: Once you’ve captured a photo using Apple’s Live Photo mode you can swipe up on that image and select one of three options, two of which we will discuss in our next point. Long Exposure allows the camera to compute a longer exposure based on the small duratio...
The iPhone 15 Pro Max may not look much different from the iPhone 14 Pro Max, but it brings much improved cameras and ergonomics 1Take Live Photos Live Photos are a great iPhone feature that captures 1.5 seconds before and 1.5 seconds after you hit the shutter to snap a photo. You can ...
You can capture whatever you see on the viewfinder for future reference. Every time you capture a photo during a call, the other party is notified. Step 1:During a call, tap on thevideo feedof the opposite party. Step 2:Tap on the smallcapturebutton at the bottom-right corner. ...