Last month,Appleslashed the price of theiPhone 15in the Indian market bringing it down to Rs 69,990 from 79,990. Now, the brand has further reduced the starting price of the device to Rs 58,999 for the ongoing Flipkart Big Billion Day sale. Apple iPhone 15 As mentioned above, the bas...
iPhone 15 price drop amid Flipkart Big Billion Day Sale- check deals and offers Photo Credit: Apple Check out these amazing bank and exchange offers available on iPhone 15 during Flipkart's Big Billion Day Sale.
iPhone 12 Mini can be grabbed for Rs.22090 during the Flipkart Big Billion Days sale today. Claim the phone with big discount, exchange and other offers now.
Gurgaon based market research firm techARC has revealed that resellers on popular online shopping portals such as Amazon and Flipkart are resorting to fraud. This is what they do: Whenever a flash sale or special discounted sale happens, or a new smartphone is exclusively launched on online platf...